博碩士論文 105355011 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMing-Tsung Leeen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract鋼軌是支撐軌道列車鋼輪之直接也是唯一之軌道元件,而唯一固定鋼軌之扣件系統則是由一些重要元件所組成。因此若扣件系統中有元件破損,則將直接影響鋼軌之穩定性,亦影響了列車運行中之安全,可謂不得不謹慎面對扣件系統破損後續可能帶來危害之風險。 桃園機場捷運於試運行時即發現有扣件系統元件破損之情形,因扣件系統元件破損關係著列車可能出軌翻覆,甚或嚴重者可能威脅乘客之生命安全,故探究扣件系統元件破損之原因則相形重要。 本研究藉由邀訪有軌道卓越經歷之專家進行訪談,於探討土建結構及線形、軌道之細部設計、扣件系統元件材料、施工及安裝程序等過程中,對扣件系統破損之元件(中間墊片、鋸齒調整墊圈、導角墊片、鋼軌墊片等)逐項分析,找出造成扣件系統元件破損之可能原因,並試著提出後續可能之解決措施。最終探究結果,前揭元件破損之根本原因,一則係受軌道系統外部之土建高架橋樑線形設計有轉彎半徑過小之尖銳曲線所影響;另一則受軌道系統內部之鋼軌縱向束制力過高所影響,因此肇致扣件系統非預期之破損。 另於相關文獻回顧過程中,發現有關國內軌道工程扣件系統之碩博士論文及期刊篇數甚少,能參考之文獻著實有限,因此本研究之成果,除期能建立後續軌道工程(含扣件系統元件)設計及安裝時之參考依據,並提供未來元件置換或維修時可考慮替代之建議品項外,亦希冀為未來相關研究提供有效之參考方向。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe rail is the only component of trackwork system that supports the train steel wheel directly, and it is fixed by the fastener system that consists of some important components. Therefore, if the components in the fastener system are damaged, it will not only affect the stability of the rail directly but impact the safety of the train operation. So we have to face the risk of the fastener system damages cautiously. During the trial operation of Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport Access MRT, it was found that the fastener system components were damaged. The running train might be derailed then the passengers’ life safety would be threatened due to the damage of fastener system components. Therefore, it is important to study the causes of damage to the broken components. In this study, the damaged fastener system components, such as intermediate pad, serrated washer, angled guide plate and rail pad, were interviewed and discussed with experts who has surpassing experiences in trackwork by investigating civil structures, alignment, and trackwork detail design, materials of fastener system components, procedure of construction and assembly to find out why the broken situation happened, and then try to propose the possible/available solutions. And the conclusions in this study, the root causes of fastener components broken situations, in external effect is caused by the sharp curve with a small radius of the civil viaduct alignment design, and in internal effect is caused by the high longitudinal creep resistance of the rail, so those reasons caused the out of expecting damage to fastener system components. In the process of studying related research literature, the references at home of trackwork fastener system are hardly found in theses, dissertations and journals as well. Therefore, the conclusion of this study not only is expected to be used to reference by trackwork (incl. fastener system components) design and installation of following trackwork projects but provide suggestions to alternatives for components maintenance or replacement and an effective reference on the relevant study of trackwork fastener system in the future. en_US
DC.subjectTrackwork Engineeringen_US
DC.subjectFastening Systemen_US
DC.subjectIntermediate Paden_US
DC.subjectRail Paden_US
DC.subjectLongitudinal Creep Resistanceen_US
DC.subjectLateral Forceen_US
DC.titleStudy of The Trackwork Fastener System Damage Reasons and Solutions for Taiwan Tauyuan International Airport Access MRTen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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