博碩士論文 105426603 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorElsya Dhana Alfiraen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractWhen seller wants to open a new store in the market, he has to make several decisions to support his business, some of the important decisions are the position of his store and the number of product variety he wants to offer in order to earn profit as high as possible. In our everyday life, we commonly see a group of seller who sell the similar product in the same area. Usually, consumers are prefer to go to those kinds of area rather than the area that only provide one particular store because they don’t have to incur a lot of search costs since the location of the stores are close to each other. Within each stores, the seller will decide how many products to be sold. Some consumers are very fond of seeing several options of the products, while some of them might find it confusing to pick one among those options. To address those phenomenon related to the seller’s decision, we develop a model of consumer’s surplus to find the optimal location and number of product to offer which will give maximal profit. We use the model to analyze various cases related to the cluster and product variety effects. Based on the particular selected parameter settings, the result shows that cluster effect can increase consumer’s surplus such that the seller prefer to open the store next to the existing store to gain more consumers. While for the product variety, the result shows that there is a range of the optimal solution which implies that offering too many products will harm the seller while offering too few products will make the store less attractive for the consumers to make a purchase.en_US
DC.subjectCluster effecten_US
DC.subjectProduct varietyen_US
DC.subjectConsumer’s behavioren_US
DC.titleThe Impact of Clustering and Product Variety on Seller′s Decisionen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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