博碩士論文 105427002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorLai-Ying Kuoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract職涯成功一直以來都是組織和個人關注的焦點,過去的研究顯示,欲獲得職涯成功,需要發展社交網路,使個人獲得更多資源、資訊與機會。特別是個人需要在社交網路中找尋強而有力的職涯盟友,為個人提供職涯贊助,像是:專業指導、贏得曝光度、挑戰性任務等。然而過去的研究多聚焦在社交網路與職涯贊助,並未探討其他由個人發起的積極職涯行將如何對職涯成功與職涯贊助產生助益,因此本研究將納入職涯自我管理做為調節變數,並探討職涯自我管理、社交網路、職涯贊助、職涯成功之調節式中介模型。 最終,本研究結果發現:1.職涯贊助在社交網路的連結強度與職涯成功間具有中介效果2.職涯自我管理在職涯贊助與職涯成功間具有正向調節效果3.當個人職涯自我管理程度較高時,社交網路的的連結強度透過職涯贊助對職涯成功的正向影響效果較強。 總結而言,個人須投入職涯自我管理,才能使職涯贊助與職涯自我管理相得益彰。透過職涯自我管理的員工,與職涯盟友持續互動,促使職涯贊助在社交網路中產生強連結,進而取得職涯贊助,使職涯盟友投注之努力,全面轉化為幫助個人職涯成功之助力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractCareer success has always been focus for organizations and individuals. Research has shown that if individuals want to succeed in their career, they need to develop social networks so that they can obtain more resources, information, and opportunities. Especially, individuals need to find a powerful career ally in the social network for providing career sponsorship, such as professional guidance, challenging tasks and gaining exposure; However, researches have focused on social network and career sponsorship. They have not explored how can other personally initiated active career behaviors contribute to career sponsorship and career success. Therefore, the major purpose of this study is using career self-management as a moderator and exploring a moderated mediation model among career self-management, social networking, career sponsorship and career success. The results of the study indicated that: 1. Career sponsorship has mediating effect on the relationship between the strength of social networks and career success. 2. Career self-management has a positively moderating effect on the relationship between career sponsorship and career success. 3. When the degree of career self-management is higher, the strength of the social network connection has more positive effect on career success through the mediator of career sponsorship. In conclusion, individuals must engage in career self-management so that career sponsorship and career self-management can complement each other. Through career self-management, the staffs can continuously interact with their career allies to get career sponsorship in the social network and then the helps of the career allies can be fully translated into personal career success. Keywords: career self-management, social network, career sponsorship, career successen_US
DC.subjectcareer self-managementen_US
DC.subjectsocial networken_US
DC.subjectcareer sponsorshipen_US
DC.subjectcareer successen_US
DC.titleMake a good connection with your career allies: the relationship among social network, career sponsor, career self-management and career successen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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