博碩士論文 105450007 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChao-Jung Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract由於網路技術大幅躍進,同時造就互聯網、大數據、媒體社群等蓬勃發展,商業運作模式開始產生變化,使得人們交易習慣也隨之改變。金融業是交易行為的後盾,也是資金供給與需求撮合的服務平台,隨著金融科技的創新與發展,新的金融產品正不斷的推陳出新,其全球金融環境之連動狀況更加密切。目前國內金融業限制也隨著政府法規放寬逐漸鬆綁,許多業者早已磨拳擦掌躍躍欲試,由此可知,未來國內金融商品的創新與新的交易模式興起將會更令人期待。 近十年來全球P2P產業呈現爆發式的成長,並開始受到各國政府的重視,進而訂定許多管理規則與辦法,希望在傳統的金融體制與創新發展的過程中取得平衡。而國內P2P業者才開始運作,未來成功機會有多少呢?又對傳統金融業有何衝擊?針對這個現象,本研究分別從英國Zopa、美國Lending Club、中國拍拍貸、陸金所、台灣鄉民貸、LnB信用市集等六個指標性平台,探討其經營模式、運作流程、經營特色、與風控模型等。進而分析目前國內金融業該如何應對這個時代趨勢?同時隨著國內金融法令的放寬,創新業務不斷推出,該如何因應與P2P業者之間的競合關係? P2P產業在台灣長久受到法規的限制,相對於全球發展仍屬落後指標,但長期而言仍屬於高度成長的產業。台灣在徵信體制上本來就相當完善,若能有效的結合P2P平台業者,未來將可補足銀行與地下金融中間不足的版圖,進而加惠於更多小額資金需求者與供給者。本研究也希望藉著了解歐美與中國相關業者的運作模式與管理機制,彙集他們的成功模式經驗,提供國內P2P業者在經營上的參考依據,並期待建立一個健康的金融產業環境,讓消費者、平台業者、金融業者都能三贏的局面。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractDue to the substantial leap in the network technology, the Internet, Big Data, social media and other booming business models, have started to change people’s trading habit. The financial industry is the backing of transactions, as well as the service platform of supply and demand chains. With the constant innovation of the financial technology and the development of new financial products, the interlocking state of the global financial environment has been closer. At present the restrictions of the domestic financial regulations have been gradually relaxed. Many operators increasingly eager to be seen, and the future of innovative domestic financial products and the rise of new trading patterns are expecting. The global P2P industry has experienced an explosive growth in the past ten years. It has begun to receive the attention of governments of various countries, and has formulated many management rules and methods, hoping to strike a balance between the traditional financial system and the development of innovation. However, domestic P2P operators just began to operate. How many successful opportunities are there in the future? How will it impact on the traditional financial industry? In view of this phenomenon, this study selects from the United States Zopa, the United States Lending Club, China Pat Loan, Lu Jin Su, Taiwan Township Min loans, LnB credit market and other six indicators platforms to explore their business models, operating procedures, operating characteristics, and risk control model. This study then exams how the current domestic financial industry should cope with the time trend. At the same time, with the relaxation of domestic financial laws and regulations, the innovation business has been launched. How should we respond to the competing relationship with P2P players? The P2P industry has long been subjected to the regulatory restrictions in Taiwan, and it is lagging behind the global development. However, it is still a growing industry in the long term and Taiwan′s credit system is quite matured. If it can effectively integrate P2P platform operators, it will be able to fill the gap between banks and underground finances in the future, thereby benefitting more microfinance demanders and suppliers. This study also aims to understand the operating models and management mechanisms of relevant businesses in Europe, America, and China, gather their experience of successful models, provide reference references for domestic P2P operators, and look forward to establishing a healthy financial industry environment for consumers, platform operators, financial companies can win the win-win situation.en_US
DC.subjectLending Clubzh_TW
DC.subjectInternet Lendingen_US
DC.subjectLending Cluben_US
DC.subjectPat Loansen_US
DC.subjectLu Jinsuoen_US
DC.subjectRural Crediten_US
DC.subjectLnB Credit Marketen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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