博碩士論文 105450023 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChin-Hua Yuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年房價不斷高漲,然而薪資調升不易,個人家庭可支配所得下降情況下,想要買一間房是難上加難,政府為此也推出很多抑制房價飆漲措施,如奢侈稅、房地合一稅等,而房價仍處高檔,雖有下跌,惟跌幅有限,想購屋者望屋興嘆。 在房價居高不下情況下,民眾除了透過房仲業及網路交易平台購屋買房外,透過法院購買法拍屋也是一個購屋管道,而購買法拍屋尚需承擔風險,例如無法入內察看房屋狀況或格局、得標七天內就要將尾款全數繳清、法院無物的瑕疵擔保責任(買到瑕疵屋就只能自認倒楣無法求償)等,理論上既然承擔風險,就會有風險貼水,直覺購買法拍屋一定比市價便宜,而實務上果真如此?這是個值得探討的議題。 本研究為驗證法拍屋一定比市價便宜,資料來源係以司法院法拍屋公告網站桃園地方法院法拍屋拍定物件,拍定期間自106年11月14日至107年2月28日止,此期間合計100件拍定物件,將拍定物件向地政機關申請建物謄本,再逐一與內政部不動產時價登錄平台近一年之物件相比對,比對條件須符合同一棟建築物,經逐一篩選後符合比對樣本有33件。 將33件法拍屋樣本與內政部不動產時價登錄之物件比對,比對結果33件拍定案每坪平均單價較市價便宜16.03%,其中29件比市價便宜,另4件法拍屋買得卻比市價貴,由此驗證結果整體購買法拍屋會比市價便宜,但並非每一件法拍屋均會比市價便宜。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, housing prices have been rising rapidly, however, due to the stagnation of raising wages, it is difficult to buy a house room while the declining of disposable income for individual families. To curbing the housing prices, the government has introduced many measures such as luxury tax and the combination between land and housing prices. Although the housing prices tend to decline, however, there are still in the high-end region and are unable to be affordable for many younger generations. Under the situation of higher housing prices, people can buy homes through the law courts to get a cheaper house. However, the purchase of foreclosures involves many risks such as the inability to look inside the house for the situation or pattern. Since the winning bid will be paid in full within seven days and the court will have no guarantee of deficiencies, the purchase of squatters will only be self-incriminating and unable to claim compensation. Theoretically, due to the potential risks, there will be risk premiums for the trading. Intuitively, it is definitely cheaper than the market price to buy a house. But, in practice, the observation between the two markets is a topic to be worthy of discussion. This study is trying to verify that housing prices through the law court whether must be cheaper than the market prices or not. Our study collected the data from the Taoyuan District Court Law House from November 11, 2017 to February 28, 2018. During the period, a total of 100 items were photographed. The photographed items were submitted to the local government office to obtain the detailed building materials. Then, this research compared those trading with the items of the real estate price registration platform of the Ministry of the Interior one by one. There were 33 matching samples after screening. A comparison of 33 samples of forensic real estate with the items registered in the real estate trading market prices, our results show that the average unit price for the 33 auctions is 16.03% cheaper than the market prices. Among those trading items, 29 of which are cheaper than the market prices, and the other 4 are not. Overall, we can infer that the purchases of the foreclosure form the law court auction will be cheaper than the housing market, but not all every piece of the auction items.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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