博碩士論文 105453007 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨時科技發展愈來愈快,RF (Radio Frequency) 無線射頻的技術與產品也一直不斷推層出新,例如:物聯網IoT (Internet of Things),車聯網、智慧城市Smart City,智慧電網Smart Grid以及未來的5G通訊。 其中又以物聯網的發展最為迅速,物聯網能讓所有無線電子產品實現互聯互通,其中,通訊技術與標準扮演關鍵性角色。在全球自由貿易的潮流下,各國政府為了產品的品質與安全,製訂了不同的規範。除了符合各技術聯盟的規範要求,無線及通訊產品在上市前,廠商應同步符合各國的法規要求,且法規不斷的更新,語言障礙與不同國家所需複雜的認證是最常面臨的出口障礙。 本研究的個案E公司,為國際認證公司,負責產品測試及驗證。目前為人工設定儀器參數值及手動控制設備運轉,執行測試。但產品測試法規眾多,各國法規皆不盡相同,測試儀器參數及測試場地皆為不同,只要一個參數設定錯誤,將會面臨退件及重測,耗時費工,缺乏工作效益及測試的準確性。 本研究目的在提出一個有效的測試方案,規劃一套自動化驗證系統。首先撰寫程式,用電腦控制,將各場地之測試儀器透過GPIB介面串連,並將所有測試項目串連,再將所有單項指令整合至一個完整的產品測試指令集。此改善方案經過可行性分析,確認為可行之方案。本案可有效地降低驗證所需時間以及人力等成本,增進測試準確度與效能,亦可提升所屬公司保持良好的競爭優勢。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractCoupled with the phenomenal development in technology, RF (Radio frequency) technologies and products have also been continuously updated. These include the Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Vehicles, Smart City, Smart Grid and future 5G communications. The development of the Internet of Things is the fastest among these. IoT enables all wireless electronic products to be interconnected. Communication technologies and standards play a key role in its development. Under the trend of global free trade, governments of various countries have formulated different standards to ensure quality and safety for various products. Besides complying with the specifications of various technical alliances, manufacturers must also comply with the requirements of various national laws and regulations before the wireless and communication products can be launched into the respective markets. Language barriers and the complex certification procedures required in different countries are the most commonly encountered trade barriers. Company E in this study is an international certification company responsible for product testing and verifications. At present, to accomplish all required testing procedures, staffs have to manually set the instrument parameter values and manually control the operation of the equipment before conducting tests. However, there are numerous product testing regulations, and all national laws and regulations are different. The test instrument parameters and required settings are all different. If a parameter is set incorrectly, it will face returning and retesting, which is time consuming and labor intensive. This study attempts to plan for an automated verification system. To prove the concept, the programs required for computer to control, connect the testing equipment of each site through the GPIB interface were developed, connecting all the test items serially, and then integrate all the individual instructions into a complete product testing instruction set. The concept was proven valid. The improvement plan including the service standard operations procedures was also confirmed through feasibility analysis. This proposal can effectively reduce the time required for verification and manpower and other costs, improve test accuracy and efficiency, and improve the company′s competitive advantage.en_US
DC.subjectRF (Radio frequency)en_US
DC.subjectInternet of Things (IoT)en_US
DC.subjectAutomated testing systemen_US
DC.titleAn Automated Solution for International Certifications of Radio Frequency Devices – The Case of Company Een_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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