博碩士論文 105458003 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本次研究動機主要為研究投資東協之優劣勢與未來合作機會與挑戰, 提供客觀面向,因伴隨東協新興經濟體的起飛,中產階級的數量迅整增 加,其所帶來龐大的消費商機,已逐漸取代傳統歐美日國家市場,我們 應培育東協國家級人才,以協助本國人民開展東協市場給有志發展南向 之企業、團體及個人,同時進而檢視我國之新南向政策內容及執行成效,進而提升我國未來之競爭力,研究結果為東協六國經商環境評比排名依序為:新加坡、馬來西亞、 泰國、印尼、菲律賓、越南。 東協有極高投資潛力值得本國政府及民間企業或個人投入各項資源 及投資、就業,目前外資直接投資東協金額已達1220 億美元,且有超 過220 家跨國企業總部設置在東協,更預期在2050 年時東協將躍居第 四大經濟體,但仍需注意各項風險,尤其在政治面上因東協各國經濟快速成長,而面臨過去法規周嚴性不足之問題,外國企業會面臨到遵法成本上升、或政府政策朝令夕改的導致過去所投資硬體不合法等問題。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe motive of this research is mainly to study the advantages and disadvantages of the investment association and the future cooperation opportunities and challenges, and provide an objective orientation. As the emerging economies of ASEAN take off, the number of middle classes increases rapidly, and the huge consumer opportunities brought about by them. It has gradually replaced the traditional European, American and Japanese national markets. We should cultivate the ASEAN national level talents to assist the people of the ASEAN to develop the ASEAN market for enterprises, groups and individuals who are interested in developing the South. At the same time, we will review China’s new southward policy and Implementing results, thereby enhancing the competitiveness of our country in the future, The results of the study are ranked in the rankings of the six ASEAN business environment: Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam. The ASEAN has a very high investment potential and is worthy of the investment of its own government and private enterprises or individuals in various resources, investment and employment. At present, the amount of foreign direct investment in ASEAN has reached US$122 billion, and more than 220 multinational corporations are headquartered in ASEAN. It is more expected that ASEAN will leap to the fourth largest economy by 2050. However, it is still necessary to pay attention to various risks. Especially in the political arena, due to the rapid economic growth of the ASEAN countries, and the lack of strictness of past regulations, foreign companies will face the increase in compliance costs or the change in government policies. Hardware is not legal and so on.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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