博碩士論文 105522132 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChao-Ting Chengen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractGolden Case Debugging情境為一種軟體開發和除錯後正確性驗證的方式之一。這種除錯情境通常會發生在已有穩定的軟體版本 (Golden Case) 中,但是軟體卻必須面對持續的功能擴充與演化。除錯時會使用相同的輸入資料,分別輸入一個穩定運作版本的軟體,以及正在開發或除錯中的軟體版本,藉由比對兩版本之間的執行結果資訊,來以人工的方式進行判定,開發中的軟體版本是否被正確實作或錯誤被完整修正。這種除錯情境在尤其在進行Electronic Design Automation [1] (EDA) 系列軟體的開發和除錯時經常被使用,這一類的軟體通常規模大且複雜,面臨許多維護與擴充上的軟體工程問題。   EDA為一系列輔助設計積體電路開發的軟體。EDA系列軟體的程式設計師在進行相關功能開發及錯誤修正時,經常會處理大量儲存著電子元件相關形狀的polygon資料結構,在傳統的Debugger文字呈現下進行這類的資料結構除錯並不是件很直觀的事情。這個部分EDA系列軟體的程式設計師能夠透過xDIVA [2]來進行視覺化對應,將polygon資料結構呈現於 3D空間中協助程式設計師開發與除錯。   本論文提出針對xDIVA功能進行擴充,來嘗試支援Golden Case Debugging情境。程式設計師能夠捕捉不同軟體版本間特定執行時期的資料,透過xDIVA視覺化後於 3D空間中同時呈現。並且能根據軟體內不同的除錯情境,使用視覺化差異比較功能,以直觀的方式來突顯出不同執行結果中的相異之處,來加速程式設計師在面對大量且複雜的資料除錯時,能更快速且更直覺地發現軟體內的錯誤。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractGolden Case Debugging scenario is one of the software debugging method to verify the correctness in software development and debugging. This scenario usually happens in a software which it has a stable version (Golden Case) and faces feature extend and improve continuously. This method tests a developing version software with stable version software. Two software version inputs the same data and observe output of two versions manually to see the developing version being tested whether correctly implemented or debugged. Golden Case Debugging is frequently being used in the Electronic Design Automation [1] (EDA) software series. EDA series software faces many software engineering problem including maintenance and expansion. Because the software scale is very massive and complex. EDA series software are designed to assist hardware engineer to design more and more complex Integrated Circuit. EDA series software programmer will encounter large amount of polygon data where it contains the shape, size and location related data inside data structure. EDA software programmer can benefit from xDIVA [2] to visualize these data, mapping them to the 3D space to help programmer get better understanding and assist the debugging process. In this thesis, we propose to enhance the function of xDIVA to support Golden Case Debugging. Programmer can use it to capture the software states in a specific runtime between different software version, then visualize them in xDIVA 3D space to see the difference between two states. Also we analyzed several different case of visualized data structure by xDIVA. To provide the comparison function for show the difference between visualization result. Programmer can benefit from these feature to find error inside software contains complex data structure quickly.en_US
DC.titleApplying Visualization in Golden Case Debugging by xDIVAen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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