dc.description.abstract | In Indonesia, there are many traditional games and theater. Both games and theater can be playing by all person from a kid until mature. The popular theater is playing doll and shadow together by person and It is called Wayang Kulit theater. Many storytellings in Wayang Kulit from comedy, history, romance and other. Romance story is popular story than another story which is Ramayana story. In this story, there is five character including Anoman, Sinta, Rama, Laksma, and Rahwana. In the Wayang Kulit theater usually there are Gunungan to give sign background or storytelling changed. Rahwana is a bad character and others are a good character. The Wayang Kulit theater using hand gesture recognition for playing. The 3D object made from Blender which is blender is a tool for designing 2D or 3D object, many features inside for designing or modeling, give the texture of object and etc. Blender is free than another tool for the same purpose and it is user-friendly so user can be understanding the program or tool quickly. The programming using C# by related Unity. Unity is game development tool and many great games made from Unity because of so many features, the tool so interactive and the important thing it can be relating to Kinect. Firstly, in theater need two hands to generate or move Wayang Kulit so need clustering method for cluster right and left hand. The clustering method using DBSCAN clustering because can be cluster automatically and efficiently than another method. There are 2 important variables in DBSCAN including Eps and MinPts which are need validate threshold to get good result of the cluster. The right and left hand will search about each median for next processing. The search median can be namely labeling processing because the system will be choosing which one median1 and median2. After finding each median the processing can recognize about gesture movement. The gesture is choosing the Wayang Kulit in above there are six objects. After that, the distance between median1 and median2 will be compared. There is three distance in this performance. The first distance is fighting effect which is distance range is 50 to 100 that occur if Wayang Kulit meets the Rahwana so show the fighting ability. The second distance is playing the animation in each Wayang Kulit and the distance is 100 to 200. The last is important gesture because each Wayang Kulit can show each ability and the distance range more than 200. The last, gesture recognition using template matching method which is there are three templates including down, right, left direction. Each direction will be shown different ability in each Wayang Kulit but only two Wayang Kulit has three abilities and the other just has one ability. The evaluation of this research consists of DBSCAN threshold, gesture recognition, and UI / UX evaluation. The DBSCAN threshold evaluation looks for the best threshold for clustering right and left hand. From the result, the best threshold is 25 because it can be clustered median1 and median2 exactly. For the gesture recognition evaluation, we will observe 20 people from various knowledge discipline for playing Wayang Kulit performance and the gesture recognition focus in the last threshold that distance range more than 200. The average of all result above 90% and the best result is median 2 on gesture 1 which is result 100%. The last UI / UX evaluation which is 20 people of hand gesture recognition will get a questionnaire and ask to fill it after playing Wayang Kulit performance. The UI / UX must contain 6 factors including attractiveness, efficiency, perspicuity, dependability, stimulation, and novelty. From the evaluation result overall is good for our system. The only improvement in the future the result is very good it means our system can be interested people to developing our system in the future through using another method, change of story, change the Wayang Kulit performance, and others. | en_US |