博碩士論文 105524005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract英語字彙在語言學習的過程中是很重要的一部分,然而記憶單字對學習者而言是一件枯燥無聊的事情。因此,有許多研究運用遊戲式學習的方式,融入語言學習,以提升學習者的學習興趣。然而,不是每位學習者都適合此種方式學習,因此必須考量學習者的個體差異。在遊戲式學習環境中,先備知識及學習風格等個體差異特別受到重視。因此,本研究提出一個多人線上角色扮演遊戲的遊戲式學習環境,塑造仿如真實情境般的虛擬空間,將學習內容透過任務式學習設計,使學習者能夠藉由解決任務的方式進而瞭解字彙涵義,讓遊戲與學習緊密結合,提升字彙習得成效。本研究探討不同先備知識及學習風格的學習者,在遊戲式英語學習環境中對字彙習得成效、遊戲成效、行為模式與沉浸感之影響。 實驗結果證實,本研究所設計之系統能夠幫助學習者學習英語。其中高英語能力、高遊戲經驗、高能力高經驗及 Style-Matching 的學習者於數位遊戲式學習的環境下,有較好的學習成效。而低能力的學習者容易在任務過程中產生困難,造成學習成效較低,但因為系統提供多種輔助工具協助學習者進行任務,故低能力的學習者出現較多輔助工具的行為轉移。高經驗的學習者因為較熟悉遊戲技巧,懂得運用系統所提供的輔助工具來完成任務,因此任務完成度較高,出現較多遊戲、學習及輔助工具的行為轉移,然而遊戲內任務皆學習內容相關,故其學習成 效也會較高。而低經驗的學習者鮮少有遊戲的經驗,甚至連遊戲中所提供的輔助工具都不知道如何使用,因此任務完成度較低,進而造成學習成效較低。Style-Non-Matching 的學習者,因為無法找到一個合適的學習路徑,因此出現較多作答錯誤的學習行為的轉移,故學習成效較低。本研究的結果可以幫助不同先備知識及學習風格的學習者改善他們的學習成效。此外,對於研究者在未來開發適性化的遊戲式學習環境時,提供一個設計架構。 關鍵字:數位遊戲式學習、先備知識、學習風格、字彙習得成效、行為模式、遊戲成效、沉浸感zh_TW
dc.description.abstractEnglish learning has become a necessary educational strategy in many non-English-speaking countries. Vocabulary is a critical element for English learners. However, learning a foreign language is difficult and stressful. In addition, memorizing English vocabulary is often considered boring, and learners may lack motivation for learning activities. With the advancement of technology, game-based learning has become an important part of education. It provides problem-solving quests, realistic scenarios and role-playing mechanisms that enhance learner’s motivation. Many studies integrate game-base learning strategy into language learning to enhance learners’ motivation. However, not every learner can benefit this kind of learning strategy. Therefore, it is necessary to consider individual differences. Prior knowledge and learning styles are critical factors in digital game-based learning. Therefore, this study developed a multiplayer online role-playing game to create a game-based learning environment that can improve learners’ leaning performance. The learning materials are designed with task-based learning so that students can understand the meaning of the vocabulary through solving tasks in the gaming process. In order to investigate the impacts of learners with different prior knowledge and learning styles on learning performance and behavioral patterns, a quasi-experiment was conducted in a university English course. The experiment was conducted by dividing students into different prior knowledge and learning styles. In addition, lag sequential analysis was employed to explore the learning behavioral patterns of students with different prior knowledge and learning styles. Experimental results showed that the learners with higher English ability, higher gaming experience, higher-ability and higher-experience, and Style-Matching have better learning performance in the digital game-based learning environment. Moreover, the learners with lower English ability were prone to feel difficult in the process of the task. Hence, they were using more assistive tools in the gaming process. The learners with higher gaming experience were more familiar with the gaming skills and were prone to know how to use assistive tools to complete the task, showing better learning performance than the learners with lower gaming experience. However, the learners with lower gaming experience lack experience in the game. Even the system provides many assistive tools but they do not know how to use it. Therefore, the completion of the task is relatively low, which in turn affects the effectiveness of learning. The Style-Non-Matching learners showed more learning behaviors on wrong answers, which resulted in lower learning performance. The findings of this study provide a good reference for helping the students with different prior knowledge and different learning styles to improve their learning performance and provide designer to develop a personalized game-based learning environment. Keywords: digital game-based learning, prior knowledge, learning styles, vocabulary acquisition performance, gaming performance, behavioral patterns, immersion.en_US
DC.subjectdigital game-based learningen_US
DC.subjectprior knowledgeen_US
DC.subjectlearning stylesen_US
DC.subjectvocabulary acquisition performanceen_US
DC.subjectgaming performanceen_US
DC.subjectbehavioral patternsen_US
DC.titleEffects of Prior Knowledge and Learning Styles on English Vocabulary Performance and Behavioral Patterns in a RPGen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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