博碩士論文 105524010 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorFu-Chang Kuoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著時代的變遷、科技的進步,教學環境與教學的模式也開始隨之改變,傳統的教學方式受到了很大的挑戰,顯然已經無法符合教學現場的需求。近年來,政府積極推動教育改革,提倡教師專業成長的重要性,期盼透過教師專業能力的提升,進而改善教學內容與方式。為促進教師專業成長,政府也積極推動學校與教師應定期舉行教學觀摩活動,邀請同儕教師加入課堂進行的過程中,並從中給予回饋,再透過其他教師所給予之回饋,重新檢視並反思自我的教學內容與過程,以期能從中產生新想法,促進教學發展與進步。 本研究之主要目的是為開發「教師觀議課平台」(G.T.O.),期望能透過G.T.O.來協助教師解決教學觀摩活動中所遭遇到的麻煩及困難,並且幫助教師在於教學觀摩的發起與參與更加的便利及容易,以帶給教師更良好的教學觀摩體驗。在完成系統開發之後,透過「問卷調查法」的方式,邀請51位目前任教於教學現場之正式教師或是未來即將踏入教學生涯的職前教師與師培學生,針對系統進行簡易的操作與使用,並完成系統的初步評估。本研究係針對所有受測教師所填寫的問卷回饋來進行教師對於使用G.T.O.的整體知覺有用性、知覺易用性以及使用意願等面向之評估。從分析的結果可以得知,教師對於使用G.T.O.平台之知覺有用性、知覺易用性、使用意願等皆是有正向效果的,另外也透過教師所填寫之回饋來評估G.T.O.所提供之鷹架與工具的知覺有用性、知覺易用性、使用意願等,由分析結果來看,教師對於G.T.O.所提供之鷹架與工具也是認為有正向效果的。期望透過系統評估及教師給予之使用意見與回饋,進一步的改善系統,以讓本研究所開發之「教師觀議課平台」更能符合教學現場之需求,提供教師更大的協助,為教學觀摩的進行帶來更多的助益。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn order to enhance teachers’ the professional development, the government actively promotes that schools and teachers should regularly hold teaching observation activities, invite peer teachers to observe the classroom as well as give feedback in the teaching observation activities. By re-examining and reflecting on their teaching content and process through the feedback from other peer teachers, teachers can generate new ideas and advance their teaching. The main purpose of this study is to develop the "Great Teaching Observation Platform"(G.T.O.). It is hoped that G.T.O. platform will help teachers solve the problems and difficulties encountered in teaching observation activities, and will better facilitate teachers in the creation and participation of teaching observation activities ; meanwhile, it will give teachers a better experience of teaching observation. After completing the system development, through the "questionnaire method", 51 formal teachers who were currently teaching at the teaching site or pre-service teachers and teachers who were about to enter the teaching career would be invited to carry out simple operation and use for the system, afterwards, they were asked to complete a preliminary evaluation of the system. This study is based on the questionnaire responses from all participant teachers to assess the teachers’ overall perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and reuse intention of G.T.O. platform. From the results of the data analyses, it is known that the teachers have a positive response to the perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and reuse intention of the G.T.O. platform. In addition, the feedback provided by the teachers is used to evaluate the perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and reuse intention of the scaffolds and tools provided by the G.T.O. platform. From the analysis results, the teachers also believe that the scaffolds and tools provided by the G.T.O. platform have a positive effect. It is hoped that through the results of the system evaluation and the comments or feedback given by the teachers, the system will be further improved to make the "Great Teaching Observation Platform" more meet the teachers’ needs of the teaching site, providing greater assistance for teachers and brings more benefits to the process of teaching observation activities.en_US
DC.subjectteacher professional growthen_US
DC.subjectteaching observationen_US
DC.subjectteaching reflectionen_US
DC.titleDevelopment and preliminary evaluation of an online platform for teaching observationen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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