博碩士論文 105729007 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-Chuan Fanen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract桃園市擁有兩大特色,第一是依據2016全國客家人口暨語言基礎資料調查研究,桃園市客家人口約有85萬,為全國客家人口數最多之直轄市,第二是桃園市於2014年成立青年專責局處「青年事務局」,為全國首創,至今亦是全國唯一,然而過去有關桃園市客家政策的相關研究往往聚焦於客家文化政策、客家語言政策,針對桃園市客家青年政策的相關研究則幾乎沒有,即使將研究範圍放大到臺灣客家青年政策的相關研究,數量也是寥寥無幾。 因此本文藉由文獻分析法與深度訪談法,並運用多元流理論設計訪談大剛並進行半結構式的訪談,深入分析桃園市客家青年政策的政策產生背景、政治力量如何影響政策的產生,以及政策方案的選擇過程,藉由研究得出問題流、政治流、政策流三者的匯集,也就是桃園市客家青年政策的政策櫥窗開啟時機,再者利用績效理論對於桃園市客家青年政策的執行績效進行研究,歸納整理出政策績效成果以及政策產生的效益,最後提出政策建議。 本研究結論為桃園市政黨輪替使桃園市客家青年政策政策櫥窗開啟,在政黨意識形態中被認為較照顧年輕人的民進黨取得桃園執政權,政治流介入長期存在的問題流、政策流,政策櫥窗開啟,而在桃園市客家青年政策執行績效的表現上,本研究認為青年事務局仍有努力空間,主要問題有局處定位不清、權責範圍模糊、政策缺乏基礎研究、舉辦過多一次性活動,本研究建議青年事務局需有明確的權責以及方向、對於青年事務應進行深入調查研究、持續性輔導機制的建立、針對不同的青年提供客製化協助、青年政策資源的整合與推廣、政府績效指標應加入社會影響力、應以跨局處委員會取代青年專責局處。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTaoyuan City has two major characteristics. First, it’s based on the 2016 National Hakka Population and Language Basic Data Survey. The population of Hakka in Taoyuan City is about 850,000, which is the municipality with the largest Hakka population in Taiwan. Second, it’s the "Youth Bureau" establishment of Taoyuan City in 2014. The " Department of Youth Affairs" of the Specialized Office is the first one in Taiwan and it’s still the only one. However, the relevant research on the Hakka policy of Taoyuan City in the past has focused on Hakka cultural policy and Hakka language policy, not on the Hakka youth policy in Taoyuan City. Even if the scope of the study is magnified to the relevant research on the Hakka youth policy in Taiwan, the number is still very small. Therefore, this paper uses the literature analysis method and the in-depth interview method to disgust, additionally, it uses the multivariate flow theory to design interviews with Dagang and conduct semi-structured interviews, and deeply analyzes the background of the policy of the Hakka youth policy in Taoyuan City, the result how the political power affects the policy generation, and the selection process of the policy plan. Through the research, it draws the collection of problem flow, political flow, and policy flow, that is, it helps us know the opening of the policy window of the Taoyuan Youth Policy in Taoyuan City, and the use of performance theory to implement the Taoist Youth Policy in Taoyuan City. At last, it summarizes the results of policy performance and the benefits generated by the policy, and finally proposing policy recommendations. The conclusion of this study is that Taoyuan City′s political party rotation has opened the Taoyuan Youth Policy Policy window in Taoyuan City. In the party ideology, it is considered that the DPP, which is more concerned with young people, has obtained Taoyuan′s ruling power. The political flow intervenes in the long-standing problem flow and policy flow. As the policy window is open, and in the performance of the Hakka Youth Policy in Taoyuan City, this study believes that the Department of Youth Affairs still has room for hard working. The main problems are the unclear positioning of the bureau, the vague scope of powers and responsibilities, the lack of basic research on policies, and excessive One-off activities. This study suggests that the Department of Youth Affairs needs to have clear powers, responsibilities and direction, conduct in-depth research on youth affairs, establish a continuous counseling mechanism, provide customized assistance to different youths, and integrate youth policy resources. With the promotion and government performance indicators are added to the social influence, the Youth Responsibility Bureau should be replaced by the Inter-departmental Committee.en_US
DC.subjectHakka youthen_US
DC.subjectYouth policyen_US
DC.subjectMultiple Streamsen_US
DC.subjectPolicy performanceen_US
DC.titleA Study on Performance of Hakka Youth Policy in Taoyuan Cityen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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