博碩士論文 105757019 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChi-Chen Tsengen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 本研究旨在了解桃園市楊梅客家地方特色茶產業之行銷策略。楊梅客庄地方特色茶產業的推動,除了欲達成活絡地方經濟,追求客庄地方特色產業的發展,亦強調客家族群與茶產業發展的密切關聯,重現屬於楊梅卻早被現代化腳步湮沒的地方特色產業亮點。茶產業是客家人的產業,曾經興盛一時今已式微。昔日的楊梅遍地茶園,楊梅的茶產業曾有過輝煌的歷史,是桃園茶產量第二的產區,鮮少文章著墨於此。有鑑於此,本研究以楊梅秀才茶為例,研究目的有三:一、瞭解楊梅秀才茶產業發展現況及其所面臨的問題。二、透過SWOT及6P行銷策略分析楊梅秀才茶產業的發展。三、針對楊梅秀才茶產業行銷推廣運作現況提出建議,提供地方政府、民間團體與茶農參考。 本研究透過文獻分析法及深度訪談當地茶產業相關人士10人,包括茶農兼茶商4人、機關單位行政人員3人、學者2人及1名文史工作者,將近16小時的訪談內容轉譯成逐字稿後,運用質化軟體MAXQDA分析歸納,爬梳出楊梅茶產業的發展條件,透過SWOT及6P行銷策略的分析,析論楊梅發展茶產業經營的優勢、劣勢、機會、威脅,了解楊梅秀才茶經營現況,並針對待解決的問題提出因應策略。研究結果發現,楊梅發展茶產業的優勢包括:產品多元、茶價親民、製茶技術佳,屢獲獎肯定、茶葉食安無虞、桃園升格後,秀才觀光茶園曝光率增加、茶葉改良總場設於楊梅。機會包括:公私協力,點亮楊梅茶產業特色。上述優勢與機會將促進地方發展。劣勢為:農民保守,企圖心不強、茶農不擅行銷、人力老化、茶產量不足。威脅為:未維繫良好的公私夥伴關係、茶產業的歷史未受重視。針對以上劣勢與威脅,研究者提出的建議如下:一、鼓勵產製東方美人茶與開發文創伴手禮。二、秀才觀光茶園,增設農會販售據點。三、以公私協力夥伴關係拓展秀才茶。四、鼓勵青年從農與增加茶文化相關課程活動。希冀在相關單位與人員的努力下,楊梅茶產業在時代的變遷,仍能繼續傳承,永續發展。 關鍵詞:楊梅、茶產業、客家產業、地方特色產業、行銷策略zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract This study aims to investigate the marketing strategies of the local tea industry in the area of the Hakka town Yangmei in Taoyuan city. By promoting the local tea industry in Yangmei, it is hoped to activate the local economy, develop industries with local features. It is also hoped to accentuate the close relationship between the Hokka people and the tea industry and to highlight the features of the local industry which is peculiar to Yangmei yet has been dimmed by the tide of modernization. The tea industry was an industry that the Hakka people relied on, once prosperous and now on the decline. Yangmei was lined with tea gardens. With a glorious history of the tea industry, Yangmei used to be the second largest town that produced tea leaves in Taoyuan, which however has been rarely mentioned in the literature. In light of this, the present study taking Yangmei Xiou-tsai tea as an example has three research purposes: (1) to better understand the present situation Yangmei Xiou-tsai tea is in and the challenges it is faced with; (2) to analyze the marketing strategies of Yangmei Xiou-tsai tea via SWOT and 6P marketing strategies ; (3) to propose suggestions for promoting Xiou-tsai tea industry to the local government, private institutions and tea farmers. Literature review and in-depth interviews were conducted in this study. The were 10 interviewees, including four farmers and tea traders, three administration staff, two scholars and one freelance writer. The content of the interviews lasting for about 16 hours were transcribed and were further analyzed by applying MAXQDA so as to pinpoint the qualifications the Yangmei tea industry has for development. Besides, with an analysis of SWOT and 6P marketing strategies, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the development of Yangmei Xiou-tsai tea were pointed out, the current situation Yangmei Xiou-tsai tea is in was clarified, and strategies to face future challenges were proposed. The results show that the strengths include a wide variety of products, approachable prices, excellent techniques to roast tea leaves, winning several awards, reliable and safe products, increasing publicity of the Xiou-tsai Tourist Tea Garden and Yangmei being where the headquarter of the Tea Improvement Plant is located in. The opportunities include collaboration of public and private sectors to highlight features of Yangmei local tea industry. These strengths and opportunities will help boost the development of Yangmei. The weaknesses include farmers being very conservative, with not much ambition and not good at marketing, aging farmers and insufficient amount of tea production. The threats include the relationship between public and private sectors not being well maintained and the history of tea industry not receiving due attention. To address the aforementioned weaknesses and threats, the following suggestions are proposed: (1) To encourage farmers to produce the Oriental beauty tea and to design and develop tea gift sets characterized with culture and creativity; (2) (3) Public and private sectors to collaborate and cooperate to develop and promote Xiou-tsai tea; (4) To encourage youth to get involved in the tea industry and to offer courses related to tea culture. It is hoped that with the efforts of the authorities concerned and stakeholders the tea industry in Yangmei can still inherit the tradition and continue to develop and thrive in the times of changing. Keyword: Yangmei, tea industry, Hakka industry, industry with local features, marketing strategiesen_US
DC.subjecttea industryen_US
DC.subjectHakka industryen_US
DC.subjectindustry with local featuresen_US
DC.subjectmarketing strategiesen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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