博碩士論文 105757024 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShih-Wei Yuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文研究之方言點位於廣西壯族自治區,桂林市內之荔浦市青山鎮,位於廣西東北部。廣西的客家人如同臺灣東部客家人一般,是經過「二次移民」來到此地,與原鄉客家話在經過時間、空間、語言接觸等因素影響下,產生一定程度的變化,再者廣西是多個少數民族聚居的省份,在族群互動、語言交會融合之下,詞彙的滲透、音變的急遽、文化的差異等等,都讓青山客家話有了特別的風格。 本文共分六章,第一章緒論,分別介紹研究動機與目的、方言點史地背景與語言使用概況、文獻探討、研究方法以及簡單介紹三位發音人;第二章說明語音系統,實地田野調查、採集語音並整理後呈現青山鎮客家話之聲母、韻母、聲調、連續變調規則與文白異讀統整;第三章將青山客家話從聲母、韻母與聲調三方面與中古音做比較,探討與推論其語音演變與可能之後續發展;第四章以第三章為基礎,統整出青山鎮客家話之語音特點,缺乏雙唇韻尾與輔音韻尾的弱化是其特色;第五章詞彙與特點,比較青山鎮客家話與原鄉梅縣、鄰近兩處方言點:青山鎮雙堆屯、平樂縣同安鎮,以及平樂官話做比較,可發現青山客家話受在地其他語言的影響極大;最後的第六章為結論,重新梳理本文研究成果並提出檢討與建議。 研究結果的細部說明:青山客家話存古性與在地化兼備,聲母方面古濁塞音、塞擦音聲母清化後平聲大多送氣、仄聲多不送氣,此點異於許多地區客家話;非組字存古性少,僅少部分字保留重脣音,顯示文白讀的差異趨於縮小且偏向文讀,存古痕跡走向淡化;泥來母不相混,泥母全讀n-、來母全讀l-;精知莊章聲母幾乎讀ts-、ts-、s-,僅少數的t、,特別的是沒有t,經歸納後其應為長汀類型但漸往梅縣類型靠攏;日母字讀-與-,-屬早期層次,讀零聲母則可能受桂柳話影響;最後是有零聲母擦音化的w-聲母以及曉匣母層次多且有讀舌根音的存古現象,層次多可能反映出現正處於在地化與存古性相拉扯之動盪期,讀舌根音則屬早期層次的留存。 韻母部分,有明顯:a元音對立,其分布於同攝或跨攝間都有;果攝有讀-ai音,相當具有存古性;蟹攝三四等與梗攝四等部分字讀洪音,可能反映其屬於早期層次;洪音韻細音化,以見曉影組為多;青山客家話缺乏-m、-p,輔音韻尾的變化都在迅速進行中,現階段殘存極多弱化韻尾:an、ian、at、iat、n、t、en 、ien、et、iet 、uan、uat,還有出現部分舒聲促化現象,最後是呈現平行關係的韻攝:以-e與-y為主要元音的韻攝平行現象不明顯、果假蟹咸山臻梗宕江通攝的一二等字呈現-a、-元音平行、遇蟹止假流效果深臻曾梗攝的-i、-u元音平行,但對應得較不那麼整齊。聲調方面上聲不分陰陽,大部分次濁上聲歸為陰平、大部分全濁上聲歸為去聲且去聲不分陰陽,而入聲雖分陰陽,但陰陽相混情形多。詞彙部分則與原鄉梅縣、鄰近兩個方言點與西南官話一同做比較,發現青山鎮客家話雖大部分詞彙仍讀如原鄉,但在長期語言接觸之下,受當地西南官話、普通話、粵語、平話等影響甚大,用法多有讀同官話、普通話之處,詞彙的在地滲透程度比音韻方面更加明顯。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe research site is located in Qingshan Town, Lipu City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guilin City, which is located in the northeastern part of Guangxi.The Hakkas in Guangxi, like the Hakkas in eastern Taiwan, came here after immigration. The language of the original hometown was greatly changed under the influence of time, space, and contact with different ethnic groups.There are many ethnic minorities living in Guangxi. After the interaction of the population, language integration, changes in pronunciation, vocabulary and culture, the Qingshan Hakka dialect has a special style. There are six chapters in this study. The first chapter is an introduction, which introduces the research motivation, purpose, Qingshan town background and local language. The introduction also includes literature discussion, research methods and introduction of three speakers.The second chapter explains the initials, rhymes, and tones. After the field investigation, collecting voices and sorting out, the author presents the sound, rhyme and adjustment system of the Hakka dialect in Qingshan Town.The third chapter introduces the comparison with the Middle Ancient Sounds, discusses and speculates on the evolution of each voice, and how it may develop in the future.The fourth chapter is based on the third chapter, and integrates the phonetic features of the Hakka dialect in Qingshan Town. The fifth chapter introduces the vocabulary, comparing Qingshan Town and Meixian Hakka dialect and two nearby places: Shuangdui, Qingshan Town, Tongan Town, Pingle County, and Pingle Mandarin, and found that the Qingshan Hakka dialect is greatly influenced by other nearby languages.The sixth chapter is the conclusion, rearranging the results of this study and proposing reviews and recommendations. The detailed description of the research results: Qingshan Hakka dialect has both ancient and localized. Part of the initials: (1) After the ancient voicing, the squeaking initials, most of the air is sent, and most of the snoring is not aspiration. This feature is different from many local Hakka dialects.(2) The Fei group has few ancient features, and only a small number of words retain the bilabial. The difference between the reading sound and the speech sound has narrowed and tends to read the sound, and the ancient nature is less and less. (3) Ni rhyme and Lai rhyme are not mixed, Ni rhyme full reading n-, Lai rhyme full reading l-.(4) Jing, Zhi, Zhuang, Jhang initials almost read ts-, ts-, s-, only a few t -, - , especially no t , after induction The discovery should be the Meixian type that was first merged between the Jhang group and the Zhuang group.(5) The Ri group reading -and - , - is a phenomenon of preservation, and the reading of -may be influenced by Guiliu Mandarin.(6) Have w- sound .(7) In the end, the Xiao group has many levels and there are ancient phenomena. The level reflects the fact that it is both in the localization and the ancient.About the part of rhyme:(1) There are obvious defects : a vowels are opposite, distributed in the same group or between different groups.(2) The Kuo-classifier has a read-ai sound, which is quite ancient.(3) The third, fourth level of the Xie-classifier and the fourth part of the Geng-classifier read Hong, which may indicate that it belongs to the early stage.(4) The original reading of Hong sound became a reading of Xi sound, with the largest group of Jian, Xiao, and Ing.(5) There is no -m, -p in the Qingshan Hakka dialect, and the consonant rhymes are rapidly changing. At this stage, there are many weak rhymes: an、ian、at、iat、n、t、en 、ien、et、iet 、uan、uat.(6) Partial pronunciation has become extremely short.(7) Finally, the rhyme of the parallel relationship is introduced.The part of the tone:(1) There is no difference between Sang Tone. (2) Although Ru Tone has points, there are many cases of mixing.The part of the vocabulary compares the Qingshan Hakka dialect with the Meixian Hakka dialect, the two dialects in the vicinity and the official language. It is found that although most of the vocabulary of the Hakka dialect in Qingshan Town is the same as that of Meixian, it is subject to local language contact under long-term language contact. The influence of other languages is very large, and most of them are the same as the official language. The degree of vocabulary is more obvious than the phonology.en_US
DC.subjectQingshan Hakka dialecten_US
DC.subjectphonetic evolutionen_US
DC.subjectvocabulary comparisonen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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