博碩士論文 105889001 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorLoo, Moo-Rungen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract人在夢境中具有不同程度的意識或覺察力。通常在一般夢中,作夢者對自己所處的狀態沒有覺察力,認為自己所處的環境是現實世界;然而當作夢者處在清醒夢(Lucid dream)中,便可能具有邏輯思考、自主控制夢的能力,甚至可以提取清醒時經歷過之事件的相關記憶。這種對於『現實與夢境差異的覺察力』,我們將之稱為「夢境清醒度 (Dream lucidity)」。透過腦造影的研究可以發現,當作夢者處在清醒夢中時,與執行功能相關的前額葉皮質區,會比作夢者處在非清醒夢中時更加被活化。此外,夢境清醒度高的人,能夠覺察夢境中的狀態,與清醒狀態之間的差異,這樣的覺察力與「現實監控 (reality monitoring)」也就是「區別經驗事件屬於內部產生或是外部經歷」的能力相似,而執行功能也在現實監控中扮演不可或缺的腳色,因此推測夢境清醒度的高低與否可能與某些認知功能相關,然而哪些認知功能跟夢境清醒度之間具有關聯性為何目前仍不清楚。因此本研究使用行為與腦波實驗檢視與夢境清醒度相關的認知功能,並探討夢境清醒度與現實監控的表現相關性為何。 實驗一針對夢境清醒度與四種認知功能作業之間的關聯性進行探討,其中包含注意力網絡作業 (attentional network task)、作業轉換作業 (task-switching task)、多數函數作業 (majority function task)、以及運作廣度作業 (operational span)。結果顯示,處在警覺狀態 (alert state)下的受試者,其夢境清醒度與注意力網絡作業中的衝突解決 (conflict resolution)具有正向相關性,也與利用多數函數作業所估算出訊息複雜度處理反應時間函數的截距有負相關。實驗二透過行為以及腦波研究,探討夢境清醒度與現實監控的表現之間的關聯性。結果顯示,夢境清醒度高的受試者,在現實監控的表現上比較好,特別是更能夠清楚判斷『曾經看過的物件』的來源。實驗三更進一步探討,夢境清醒度高的受試者如何透過記憶特徵(memory characteristics)分辨不同來源的物件。結果顯示,夢境清醒度高的受試者,針對想像以及曾經看過的物件回報相關的記憶特徵時,所回報感官相關的記憶特徵差異較小。總結以上結果,我們認為夢境清醒度高的受試者,不僅能夠有效率的進行注意力網絡中的衝突解決,且因為在記憶想像與曾經看過的物件之間的感官記憶特徵差異更小,更能夠能夠清楚判斷記憶的來源。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractDreams can be associated with different levels of consciousness or awareness. In extreme cases such as lucid dreaming, the dreamer can think logically, voluntarily control the dream’s narrative, and even retrieve memories of events experienced before (Voss et al., 2013). The degree of awareness of this difference between the dream context and reality is a continuous spectrum known as “dream lucidity.” Recent functional neuroimaging studies showed that the activation of the anterior prefrontal cortex (PFC), a region critical for executive function, was greater in lucid REM sleep than non-lucid REM sleep (Dresler et al., 2012). In addition, dream lucidity is related to the discrimination between self-generated precepts in a dream and externally derived experiences when awake, a capacity resembles “reality monitoring” in which executive function is also involved. Thus, we hypothesized that cognitive functions are indispensable in dream lucidity. However, whether and how cognitive functions correlate with dream lucidity remains unclear. The current thesis employed behavioral and event-related brain potential (ERP) experiments to identify the components of cognitive functions related to dreaming lucidity and determine how dream lucidity correlates with reality monitoring performance. The first experiment was carried out to examine the correlation between dream lucidity and cognitive functions revealed by the attentional network task, the task-switching task, the majority function task, and the operational span task. Results showed that dream lucidity positively correlated with the performance of conflict resolution in the attentional network task for participants with positive alerting scores. The second experiment examined the correlation between dream lucidity and reality monitoring performance in behavioral and EEG recording aspects. Results showed that participants with high dream lucidity have a greater reality monitoring performance, especially in the source judgment of perceived items. The third experiment further examined whether and how the participant with high dream lucidity differentiated different sources of items based on memory characteristics compared to participants with low dream lucidity. Results showed that people with high dream lucidity tended to report a smaller difference between the sensory features of their memories of perceived and imagined events. These findings suggest that the greater a person’s dream lucidity, the more efficiently he or she can resolve incongruent conditions and differentiate the memory sources because their memories of imagined and actual events correspond to a smaller difference in sensory features. en_US
DC.subjectDream lucidityen_US
DC.subjectLucid dreamen_US
DC.subjectreality monitoringen_US
DC.title夢境清醒度與注意力及現實監控的正向關聯性: 行為與電生理之研究zh_TW
DC.titleDream lucidity positively correlates with attention and reality monitoring: behavioral and EEG study.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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