博碩士論文 106222035 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShih-Yun Tangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract 我們使用兩微米巡天觀測(2MASS)、UKIRT深紅外巡天觀測(UKIDSS)、美國海軍天文台動力學觀測(URAT1)、和蓋雅太空巡天觀測({it Gaia} DR,2)的光度和動力學資料來篩選最完整的后髮星團(Coma Berenices)成員。那些擁有{it Gaia} DR,2 視差測量資料的成員星提供了最可靠的星團距離資訊,后髮星團距離我們約 86.7~pc(彌散程度約有 7.1~pc),估測其年齡為八億年($800$~Myr),大於前人所給出的四億到六億年。我們的研究在離星團中心半徑五度的空間中辨認了 192 顆成員星,在基於統計上估算出的場星污染數目的調整後,我們認為后髮星團約有 146 顆成員星。這些成員的亮度分佈為 $Jsim3$~mag 到 $sim17.5$~mag,相當於 2.3~$M_sun$ 到 0.06~$M_sun$(太陽質量)。此星團包括了九顆棕矮星,其中有三顆為首次發現,光譜型態分別是 M8、L1 以及 L4,這項發現拓展了我們對這個星團最暗成員星的認知。 另外我們運用 extsc{StarGO} 這個群聚分析程式研究 {it Gaia} DR,2 的視差與自行運動資料,發現了后髮星團的兩條潮汐尾,這兩條各自延伸約 $50$~pc 的尾巴乃前人所沒發現。后髮星團的成員總質量為 $sim112^{+5}_{-3}, m{M_sun}$,其成員星的質量分佈(mass function)在質量區間 $0.25$~$M_sun$ 到 $2.51~{ m M_sun}$ 裡的 $alpha$ 值約為 $0.79pm0.16$($dN/dm = m^{-alpha}$)。此星團在 $sim$6.9~pc 的星團潮汐半徑內有 77 顆成員星,這些星的平均座標為 R.A.= 186.8110~deg 和 decl.= 25.8112~deg,另外則有 120 顆成員星在潮汐半徑以外,潮汐半徑外的星數遠大於潮汐半徑內星數,表示此星團正在瓦解。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWe have identified stellar and substellar members in the nearby star cluster Coma Berenices, using photometry, proper motions, and distances of a combination of 2MASS, UKIDSS, URAT1, and {it Gaia} DR,2 data. Those with {it Gaia} DR,2 parallax measurements provide the most reliable sample to constrain the distance, averaging 86.7~pc with a dispersion 7.1~pc, and the age $sim800$~Myr, of the cluster. This age is older than the 400--600~Myr commonly adopted in the literature. Our analysis, complete within $5degr$ of the cluster radius, leads to identification of 192 candidates, among which, after field contamination is considered, about 148 are true members. The members have $Jsim3$~mag to $sim17.5$~mag, corresponding to stellar masses 2.3--0.06~M$_sun$. Our list contains nine substellar members, including three new discoveries of an M8, an L1 and an L4 brown dwarfs, extending from the previously known coolest members of late-M types to even cooler types. \ We also report the discovery of tidal structures around the Coma Berenices by only using the {it Gaia} DR,2 parallax and proper motion data on searching the spatial and kinematic grouping signature with a clustering analysis tool, extsc{StarGO}. A leading and a trailing tails, each with an extension of $sim50$~pc are revealed for the first time around this disrupting star cluster. The cluster members, totaling to $sim112^{+5}_{-3}, m{M_sun}$, are clearly mass segregated, and exhibit a flat mass function with $alpha sim 0.79pm0.16$, in the sense of $dN/dm = m^{-alpha}$, where $N$ is the number of member stars and $m$ is stellar mass, in the mass range of $m=0.25$--$2.51~{ m M_sun}$. Within the tidal radius of $sim$6.9~pc, there are 77 member candidates with an average position, i.e., as the cluster center, of R.A.= 186.8110~deg, and decl.= 25.8112~deg, and an average distance of 85.8~pc. Additional 120 member candidates reside in the tidal structures, i.e., outnumbering those in the cluster core. en_US
DC.subjectopen clusters and associationsen_US
DC.subjectComa Berenicesen_US
DC.subjectstars: evolutionen_US
DC.subjectstars: kinematics and dynamicsen_US
DC.titleCharacterization of Stellar and Substellar Members in the Coma Berenices Star Clusterzh_TW
DC.titleCharacterization of Stellar and Substellar Members in the Coma Berenices Star Clusteren_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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