博碩士論文 106322088 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorLiang-Yi Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來物聯網(Internet of Things, IoT)的相關設備能夠支援感測(Sensing)能力以監控周圍環境的各項變化,同時也提供了制動(Tasking)能力讓使用者能夠有效率的實現遠端控制,讓越來越多領域被物聯網的概念所吸引。許多物聯網的相關應用已經被提出,例如工業4.0、車聯網、智慧電網、智慧醫療、精準農業以及智慧城市等。一個物聯網的架構通常包含了設備層、閘道器層、網路服務層以及應用層。然而大多數現有的系統使用私有的概念模型、編碼以及服務協定來建構自家的垂直物聯網系統,這將產生異質性(heterogeneity)問題且會阻礙不同的物聯網系統進行資料交流以及合作。為了解決這個問題,讓各個物聯網系統遵守一套國際開放標準是必須的。然而各個標準也都針對他們所關注的社群、使用者以及物聯網階層提出適合的物聯網標準服務,因此我們嘗試整合現有的物聯網標準、利用不同標準的優點來建構完整的物聯網架構。在此篇研究中,我們的目標將整合oneM2M標準以及開放地理空間聯盟(Open Geospatial Consortium, OGC) SensorThings API (STA)標準。oneM2M建立的共通服務層能夠為連接的設備提供管理服務,而SensorThings API則提供了具完整語意定義的物聯網資料模型以及彈性的網路服務查詢介面。為了達成兩個標準的整合,我們在oneM2M上提出了SensorThings API資料模型文件(STA-oneM2M profile)。這個資料模型文件有助於組成標準化且富含語意的物聯網資料模型,讓設備之間能夠互相傳遞與理解資訊並且解決oneM2M與SensorThings API之間的資訊交流。總體來說,這個整合系統能夠達成開放且具互操作性的物聯網架構,也展現了不同物聯網標準整合的優勢。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, the concept of Internet of Things (IoT) attracts increasing attention from various fields as IoT devices support sensing capabilities to continuously monitor device status and surrounding environment as well as support tasking capabilities to achieve efficient and automatic remote control. Many potential IoT applications have been proposed, such as industry 4.0, connected vehicle, smart electricity grid, e-health, precision agriculture, and smart city. However, while an IoT architecture usually includes device layer, intermediate gateway layer, web service layer, and application layer, most existing systems are using proprietary solutions that follow different conceptual models, encodings, and service protocols. These proprietary systems cause heterogeneity issues that impede them to interoperate with other systems. To address this issue, following international open standards is necessary. However, while different standards usually aim to support different functionalities and use cases, communities focusing on different layers may already have their preferred standard solutions. Therefore, we argue that one of the solutions to achieve a comprehensive IoT architecture is by integrating existing standards to harness their advantages. In this study, we aim at integrating the oneM2M standard, which establishes a common service layer providing management functions for connected IoT devices, and the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) SensorThings API standard, which focuses on defining a complete IoT data model and flexible web service query interfaces. To achieve the integration, we propose a SensorThings API data model profile on oneM2M. This data model profile helps compose standardized and semantic-rich IoT data that can facilitate information exchange between devices and help establish automatic communication between oneM2M and SensorThings API standard solutions. In general, this integrated system helps achieve an open and interoperable IoT architecture, which can consequently facilitate IoT data transmission and integration.en_US
DC.subjectSensorThings APIzh_TW
DC.subjectInternet of Thingsen_US
DC.subjectSensorThings APIen_US
DC.subjectopen standarden_US
DC.title整合oneM2M 及OGC SensorThings API 標準建立開放式物聯網架構zh_TW
DC.titleAn Open Internet of Things Architecture Integrating oneM2M and OGC SensorThings API Standardsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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