博碩士論文 106325015 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorSung-Hao Wuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來,促進民間參與公共建設為近年來政府大力推行公共建設之模式,藉由引進企業經營理念,增加公共服務品質。然而促進民間參與公共建設型式多樣,其中由民間投資興建並營運,營運期屆滿後,移轉該建設之所有權予政府,亦即BOT的促參型式。目前台灣污水下水道系統以BOT方式辦理招標已有8件簽約,本研究將對桃園北區水資源回收中心為模擬,探討未來移轉階段所可能面臨到之風險並進行權重分析。 由於多年來法律的變更,使得過去文獻失去了可靠性。在BOT合約中,專案項目的移轉通常在合約完成履約前的一段期間即須開始,而對於兩造辦理移轉程序可能涉及的風險,則需更及早進行分析。因此本研究對於此課題,特別關注契約兩造應如何著手分析移轉程序可能發生的問題以及如何預先規畫適當的反應機制。本研究的主要目的區分為三點(一)、辨識移轉階段可能造成契約兩造損失之風險因子(二)、建立辨識風險之契約管理程序(三)、擬定風險應對之策略。 本研究針對過去已有的移轉案例做一個廣泛的資料蒐集,再透過北水資源回收中心為訪談及問卷調查對象,分析該案例在現階段是否已有可預期之移轉程序所會發生狀況或特別需要注意之處。試圖繼續改進BOT專案之基本法制,以求在法制面上更健全之外,並期望提供民間參與公司在移轉階段能降低風險,即使風險發生時,也能順利應對。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, promoting private participation in public construction has been a model for the government to vigorously promote public construction, and to increase the quality of public services by introducing business ideas. However, the promotion of private participation in public construction is diverse, with private investment being built and operated. After the expiration of the operation period, the ownership of the construction is transferred to the government, that is the BOT′s promotion model. The past literature has lost its reliability due to changes in the law over the years. In a BOT contract, the transfer of a project is usually required to begin before the contract is completed, and the risk involved in the transfer process for the owner and the manufacturer needs to be analyzed earlier. Therefore, this study pays attention to this topic, how to proceed with the analysis of the possible problems of the transfer process and how to pre-plan the appropriate reaction mechanism. The main purpose of this study is divided into three points (1), identifying the risk factors that may cause contract losses in the transfer phase (2), establishing a contract management procedure for identifying risks (3), and formulating strategies for risk response. This study conducts an extensive data collection for past transfer cases, and then interviews and questionnaires through the North Sewage Treatment Plant to analyze whether the case has a predictable transfer process at this stage. Then continue to improve the basic legal system of the BOT project, in order to be more sound in the legal system, and expect to provide private participation in the company to reduce risks during the transfer phase, even if the risk occurs, it can respond smoothly. en_US
DC.subjectTransfer stageen_US
DC.subjectRisk analysisen_US
DC.titleBOT移轉階段風險分析 -以桃園北區水資源回收中心為例zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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