博碩士論文 106325603 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTruong Ha The Cuongen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來,越南政府對於國際已開發國家提供越南政府援助發展項目或公共投資項目預算浪費在國會中的爭議越趨激烈。 根據規劃和投資部2017年越南十四大會議的第三期報告,主要造成預算浪費的原因通常來自項目審批,預算分配和項目實施,初步設計和政策/計劃的製定過程。 當尋找以上議題的真正原因時,大多數研究人員只關心審查項目建設階段而不是準備階段。 事實上,根據最近在烏干達和索馬里項目施行成功的結果表明,項目的成功實施,將會對規劃活動和人力資源管理三個因素產生積極和顯著的影響[1]。可行性研究基本上在項目設計和施工前是極度重要和具優先性的,因為它直接影響了項目的成功[2]。 在第一階段時期,在獲得當局批准之前,一般上必要的大量的準備和施行程序的一致性,以便可行性研究進行必要的檢查和評估。 因此,上述改善的內容將有助於減少上述浪費。 進行可行性研究的文獻回顧研讀且建構相關知識,接著設計一份30個問題的調查問卷。 然後透過電子郵件或社群媒體工具將該設計之問卷發布給受訪者,以找出影響大湄公河三角洲區域(Mekong River Delta)可行性研究的績效質量的一些關鍵因素。 另一方面,本研究依據挪威學者開發的“傳統方案上最佳”可行性研究的模型則根據可能的解決方案進行略微修改,以處理這些關鍵性的因素,且該微調模型是依據越南建築法2014年6月18日的50/2014/QH13的基礎進行整合性調整。 在大湄公河三角洲區域進行可行性研究報告的過程中,發現了50個因素,並且最終得到了19個關鍵性的因素。 其中,與人類行為佔了極為重要的因素。 相關政府機構對其執行項目的主觀意圖也導致了可行性研究最終結果品質下降的重要因素,其次的影響品質因素則是申請程序和資料可信性。此研究成果可做為越南營造行業所有從業人員(包括投資者) 在施行營建工程項目前參考之文獻材料。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, the growing criticism of the wastefulness of government budget in Official Development Assistant (hereinafter-called ODA) projects or public investment projects on Vietnamese National Assembly forums has become more severely. According to the Report of Ministry of Planning and Investment at the third meeting of National Assembly XIV in 2017, the main culprits usually derive from the processes of project approval, budget allocation and project implementation, initial design and build in policy/ program. When seeking for real reasons of those issues, most researchers are merely interested in scrutinizing project construction phase rather than preparation one. In fact, a recent research result on project success in Uganda and Somalia indicates that the success of projects shall affect positively and significantly on three factors named feasibility study, planning activities, and managing human resource. The feasibility study, basically, is extremely important and high priority before the employment of project design and construction happen due to its direct affections of project success. The first phase normally contains a ton of procedures that need preparing and employing consistently so that the feasibility study shall be examined and evaluated on essential aspects before obtaining the approval of authorities. Hence, the improvement in contents of that material shall help to defer the above-mentioned wastefulness. A literature review on the feasibility study was built, followed by a 30-question survey questionnaire. It was then distributed to respondents by emails or social media tools in order to find out some crucial factors that are affecting the performance quality of the feasibility studies in Mekong River Delta. On the other hand, a “best practice” model of the feasibility studies developed by a Norwegian scholar shall be modified slightly by possible solutions for dealing with those crucial factors, and the model shall be integrated on the basis of Vietnamese construction law no. 50/2014/QH13 dated 18/6/2014. A number of 50 factors found and ended up with 19 critical ones for carrying out feasibility study reports in Mekong River Delta. Wherein, factors relating to human actors prevail. Subjective intentions of governing bodies for their executed projects also contributed for lower quality of feasibility study products, followed by factors of procedures and data reliability. The research results may become a reliable reference for stakeholders when carrying out pre-construction activities in Vietnamese construction industry.en_US
DC.subjectFeasibility studyen_US
DC.subjectMekong River Deltaen_US
DC.subjectCritical success factoren_US
DC.subjectPre-construction phaseen_US
DC.subjectVietnamese construction industryen_US
DC.title可行性研究報告質量管理研究 - 以越南湄公河三角洲為例zh_TW
DC.titleA research on quality management of feasibility study reports - A case study of Mekong Rive Delta, Vietnamen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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