博碩士論文 106326028 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorKuan-Yu Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract中南半島生質燃燒(Biomass Burning, BB)氣膠傳輸分布廣泛,對大氣環境有重大影響。本文在鹿林山背景監測站 (海拔2,862 m)分別於 2018年 10、11月(秋季)及2019年3、4月(春季)觀測BB及其他氣流來向大氣氣膠化學特性,並評估氣膠化學成分對大氣光學的影響。在正式採樣前,本文以 Z-test檢定確認非常陡峭切割旋風集塵器(Very Sharp Cut Cyclone, VSCC)與衝擊板(Impactor)採集PM2.5濃度並無顯著差異(n=36; p=0.42),但VSCC對於採集濃度的回應比 Impactor好,因此,本文使用VSCC採集的PM2.5。 2018 年秋季PM2.5 (氣動直徑小於或等於2.5 μm粒狀物)和 PM10 (氣動直徑小於或等於10 μm粒狀物)質量濃度分別為2.8 ± 1.6和4.1 ± 2.2 μg m-3,PM2.5占PM10質量濃度的0.68。秋季期間氣流傳輸來向可分為自由大氣(Free Troposphere, FT)及人為污染(Anthropogenic, AN)。FT 類型PM2.5污染來源較紛雜;AN 類型PM2.5來源推論為固定源與BB,PM2.5-10來源則主要為移動源。 2019 年春季PM1 (氣動直徑小於或等於1.0 μm粒狀物)、PM2.5、PM10質量濃度分別為12.3 ± 9.1、15.2 ± 9.9、18.9 ± 11.3 μg m-3,顯示PM1主導鹿林山氣膠質量濃度。BB傳輸期間,PM1、PM2.5、及PM10質量濃度分別高達22.0 ± 7.2、25.4 ± 7.7、30.0 ± 9.0 μg m-3,PM1/PM10為 0.73,顯然BB為春季氣膠主要污染源且由更細粒徑氣膠主導,PM1有機碳 (OC)、元素碳 (EC)、水溶性無機離子的主要成分分別為OC3、EC1-OP、SO42-,SO42-來源推論為中南半島與中國南方工業源。 為了探討氣膠的氣候效應,本文以 Revised IMPROVE模式估算PM2.5 化學成分消光係數,發現與自動儀器量測的氣膠消光係數有良好相關性 (R2 > 0.86),春季氣流(FT, AN, BB類型)和秋季氣流(FT和AN類型)都以有機物和硝酸銨為消光係數主導化學成分。此外,春季和秋季各類氣流氣膠的單一反照率都大於 0.85,顯示氣膠具有強散光特性,對於氣候暖化有減緩作用。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractBiomass burning (BB) aerosol transported from Indochina spreads broadly and thus influences the atmospheric environment significantly. This study observed chemical properties of the atmospheric aerosol transported from BB and other orientations in October and November (autumn) in 2018 and March and April (spring) in 2019, respectively, at Mt. Lulin (2,862 m a.s.l.), and assessed the atmospheric optical effects from the aerosol. Before aerosol collection, this study applied a Z-test (n=36; p=0.42) to find no significant differences for the collected PM2.5 mass concentrations betwee Very Sharp Cut Cyclone (VSCC) and Impactor, but the concentration from VSCC responded to PM2.5 concentration variations better than Impactor. Consequently, this study adopted the VSCC for aerosol collection in the following PM2.5 collection. The mass concentrations of PM2.5 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to 2.5 μm) and PM10 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to 10 μm) were 2.8 ± 1.6 and 4.1 ± 2.2 μg m-3, respectively, in autumn of 2018; with PM2.5/PM10 at 0.68. The orientations of the transported air masses could split into Free Troposphere (FT) and Anthropogenic (AN) types. The sources of PM2.5 from the FT type were various. In contrast, the inferences on source contributions of PM2.5 from the AN type were from stationary sources and BB, and PM2.5-10 was from mobile sources. The mass concentrations of PM1 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to 1 μm), PM2.5, and PM10 were 12.3 ± 9.1, 15.2 ± 9.9, and 18.9 ± 11.3 μg m-3, respectively, in spring of 2019. It indicated that PM1 dominated aerosol mass concentration at Mt. Lulin. During the BB transported period, the mass concentrations of PM1, PM2.5, and PM10 were as high as 22.0 ± 7.2, 25.4 ± 7.7, and 30.0 ± 9.0 μg m-3, respectively. The ratio of PM1/PM10 was 0.73, which demonstrated that BB was the main aerosol source and finer sizes dominating the spring BB aerosol. The main components of PM1 organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), and water-soluble inorganic ions were OC3, EC1- OP, and SO4 2-, respectively. The sources inferred for SO4 2- was from Indochina and industrial sector in southern China. For the inference of climatic effect, this study estimated the atmospheric extinction coefficient from PM2.5 chemical components using the Revised IMPROVE model and compared well with that from the automated instruments (R2 > 0.86). The dominant chemical components were organic matter and ammonium nitrate for the atmospheric extinction coefficients in the air masses of spring (FT, AN, and BB types) and autumn (FT and AN types). In addition, the values of the single scattering albedo were larger than 0.85 for spring and autumn. It showed that the atmospheric aerosol was with strong light-scattering characteristics to mitigate climate warming.en_US
DC.subjectMt. Lulin stationen_US
DC.subjectBiomass burningen_US
DC.subjectTransported aerosol chemical and optical propertiesen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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