博碩士論文 106355015 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWen-Shan Laien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractThe problem of labor shortage in the construction industry has been met for a long time, and it has almost become a normal phenomenon. To help solve the problem of labor shortage in the construction industry, the government has successively introduced some responding policies. The project of the utilities, HVAC systems and fire prevention systems (termed as UHF project hereinafter) is a part of a construction project, and it also suffers from serious labor shortages. This research focuses on the problem of labor shortages in UHF project, and analyzes the situation of labor shortage in it through a questionnaire survey, as well as possible solutions. This research targets on identifying the causes of labor shortages in UHF project through the analysis of relevant data, and providing research outcomes to be a useful reference for subsequent improvement of labor shortage problems. This research uses Google Forms to create a questionnaire with a total of 18 questions, and then distributes to turnkey project contractors and professional construction manufacturers related to UHF project. Through the analysis of the collected questionnaires, it can be found that most of the professional construction manufacturers of UHF project are small contractors (the number of workers who can work is no more than 40), and 89.9% of the respondents believe that there will be a labor shortage in the next three years. The major responses for solving labor shortage problem in long-term and short-term are to introduce foreign labors and train native labors on their own, and to have workers working overtime, respectively. This research has identifies the measures replied to the problem of labor shortages, including accelerating new foreign technical personnel to meet the short-term shortage of skilled workers; encouraging manufacturers to develop construction automation and modular prefabrication technologies to reduce manpower requirements; promoting industry-university cooperation between the industry and technical and vocational schools to cultivate the technical manpower required by the construction industry; training and improving the ability of technical personnel through vocational training units. This research believes that only by increasing the source of skilled workers and reducing the industry′s dependence on skilled manpower can fundamentally solve the problem of labor shortages in the construction industry and in the UHF project sector.en_US
DC.subjectPublic Construction Projectsen_US
DC.subjectConstruction Industryen_US
DC.subjectLabor Shortageen_US
DC.subjectUtilities, HVAC and Fire Prevention Systemsen_US
DC.titleResearch on Solutions to Human Resources Problems in The Utilities, HVAC and Fire Prevention Systems in Construction Projectsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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