博碩士論文 106356001 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorming-en changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究蒐集兩半導體廠所建置之沸石轉輪搭配蓄熱式焚化爐系統相關運轉數據做為效能探討計算依據,計算各別後段所搭配之旋轉式蓄熱爐 (rotary-type regenerative thermal oxidizer, R.R.T.O)及三槽型蓄熱式焚化爐(three-tower regenerative thermal oxidizer, R.T.O)之去除效 率、輔助燃料用量及運轉成本差異。 研究結果顯示旋轉式蓄熱爐入口VOCs平均濃度為1030.5 ppm時,質量流率為14.9 kg/hr時,燃燒室溫度為809.7 ℃,質量去除效率為97.7 %;三槽式蓄熱爐入口VOCs平均濃度為493.1 ppm、質量流率為10.9 kg/hr,燃燒室溫度為805.5 ℃,質量去除效率為97.5 %。旋轉式及三槽式蓄熱爐其燃燒室控制條件在溫度為800~810 ℃間、滯留時間>1 s時,對於VOCs之去除率皆能維持良好的數值。其中三槽式蓄熱爐對於低濃 度之條件仍有良好之去除效率。 運轉成本中旋轉式蓄熱爐在入口濃度VOCs平均值為880~1100 ppm,質量流率為14.9 kg/hr時,VOCs質量去除成本約9元/公斤(不含初設成本攤提)及28元/公斤(含初設成本攤提)。三槽式蓄熱爐在入口VOCs濃度平均值為420~530 ppm、質量流率10.9 kg/hr時,VOCs質量去除成本約14元/公斤(不含初設成本攤提)及42元/公斤(含初設成本攤提)。其中維護成本上旋轉式蓄熱爐與三槽式蓄熱爐主要差異為導氣閥件保養及蓄熱材更換,導氣閥件部分旋轉式蓄熱爐動件較三槽式蓄熱爐少,故在此項目上所需成本較三槽式蓄熱爐少,而蓄熱材部分因旋轉式蓄熱爐構造多為直立式圓筒形,故蓄熱材必須現場更換,施作工法上難 度較高,故此項目所需費用較三槽式高。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis research aims to analyze from the operating data of regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO) combined with zeolite rotor located in two semiconductor plants. Removal efficiency, auxiliary fuel usage and operating cost between rotary-type regenerative thermal oxidizer (RRTO) and three-tower regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO) are compared. The result shows while the average inlet concentration of VOCs is 1030.5 ppm, the mass flow rate is 14.9 kg/hr and the burner temperature is 809.7℃, the mass removal efficiency is 97.7 % in RRTO system. However, while the average inlet concentration of VOCs is 493.1 ppm, the mass flow rate is 10.9 kg/hr and the burner temperature is 805.5℃, the mass removal efficiency is 97.5 % in three-tower RTO system. At the conditions of burner temperature around 800~810 ℃ and retention time longer than 1 second, the VOCs removal efficiency can be kept in high performance in both systems. Moreover, the three-tower RTO system remains good performance even with low VOCs concentration. According to the operating cost analysis data, the VOCs mass removal cost is about 9 NTD/kg (excluding installation cost) and 28 NTD/kg (including installation cost) in RRTO system at the conditions of average inlet concentration of VOCs 880 ~ 1100 ppm and mass flow rate of 14.9 kg/hr, while the VOCs mass removal cost is 14 NTD/kg (excluding installation cost) and 42 NTD/kg (including installation cost) in three-tower RTO system at the conditions of average inlet concentration of VOCs 420 ~ 530 ppm and mass flow rate of 10.9 kg/hr. The difference of operation cost is mainly from the maintenance of guide air valve and the replacement of heat reserve material. The quantity of guide air valve used in RRTO is less than three-tower RTO, thus the operating cost will be much lower than in three-tower RTO system. On the other hand, the RRTO is vertical and cylinder type, the heat reserve material must be replaced in situ and thus the cost is higher than that of three-tower RTO system. en_US
DC.subjectVOCs removalen_US
DC.subjectsemiconductor industryen_US
DC.titleComparison of Two Types of RTO for the Removal of VOCs from Semiconductor Industryen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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