博碩士論文 106356004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract高壓乾燥空氣,因氣動設備的安全、潔淨、易於控制、取得容易等有利因素,因此於現今及將來將廣泛應用於自動化設備上。幾乎各廠房皆須配置,然而壓縮空氣生產成本卻是極為昂貴的。因此,如何有效的操作與控制及節省壓縮空氣的能源浪費是工廠管理者必需面臨的重要課題。欲降低壓縮乾燥空氣系統其耗能就必須針對該系統做系統化分析,分析其內部與外部來找出耗能環節,並針對各耗能環節進一步擬定改善耗能對策,針對降低壓縮乾燥空氣系統其耗能目前並無相關研究及實務案例提出以系統方法且確切有效之耗能降低的對策,由於耗能關係到系統內、外部作用機制及使用方法;因而較為合理方式為根據系統內、外部作用機制而找出關鍵耗能原因並擬定對策進而執行改善及驗證。本次研究改善針對某IC載板廠CDA(Compressed Dry Air)系統進行了二階段為期約半年之持續改善及驗證,此研究改善成果的確達到研究目標,第一階段改善管路洩漏(扣除使用風量變化之因素總計減少耗能比例8.1%,減少耗電量27,201度電/月,減少運轉費用68,000新台幣/月)。第二階段增設無耗氣式乾燥機,於產氣壓力、風量平穩狀況下,系統耗電量明顯減少(扣除使用風量變化之因素總計減少耗能比例20.9%,減少耗電量減少約46,943度電/月,減少運轉費117,000台幣/月)。故可確認以系統方法作為分析壓縮乾燥空氣供給系統之耗能及改善擬定為一可行方法。同理,以系統方法作為其他能源使用大宗之系統(如:中央冰水系統、無塵室系統)耗能分析及改善亦為可行有效方式,期望能此研究成果能供往後研究、探討能源使用大宗系統耗能分析及改善之參考,以達節能減排及企業降低生產成本之雙贏目的。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractHigh-pressure dry air is widely used in automation equipment today and in the future due to the safety, cleanliness, easy control, and easy access of pneumatic equipment。 Almost every plant has to be configured, but the cost of compressed air production is extremely expensive。 Therefore, how to effectively operate and control and save energy waste of compressed air is an important issue that plant managers must face。 In order to reduce the energy consumption of the compressed dry air system, it is necessary to systematically analyze the system, analyze its internal and external to find the energy consumption link, and further develop energy-saving measures for each energy-consuming link, aiming at reducing the compressed dry air system。 At present, there is no relevant research and practical case to propose a systematic and accurate countermeasure for reducing energy consumption。 Because energy consumption is related to internal and external mechanisms of action and methods of use, it is more reasonable to use internal and external systems。 The mechanism of action is to identify the key energy consumption causes and formulate countermeasures to perform improvement and verification。 This study improved the continuous improvement and verification of the second phase of the CDA (Compressed Dry Air) system for an IC substrate。 The improvement results of this study did meet the research objectives。 The first phase improved the pipeline leakage (deducting the air volume used)。 The factors of change totaled a 8.1% reduction in energy consumption, a reduction in electricity consumption of 27,201 kWh/month, and a reduction in operating costs of NT$68,000/month。 In the second stage, a zero air loss dryer was added。 Under the condition of stable gas pressure and steady air volume, the systems power consumption was significantly reduced。 (The deducting the air volume change factor reduced the energy consumption ratio by 20.9%, and reduced the power consumption by about 46,943 kWh/month, reduced operating costs of 117,000 NTD / month)。 Therefore, it can be confirmed that the system method is used as a feasible method for analyzing the energy consumption and improvement of the compressed dry air supply system。 In the same way, it is also a feasible and effective way to use the systems approach as the energy supply analysis and improvement of other facility supply systems (such as the central chiller water system and the clean room system)。 It is expected that this research result can be used for future research and discussion。 The system energy consumption analysis and improvement reference, in order to achieve energy-saving emission reduction and enterprises to reduce production costs for a win-win purpose。en_US
DC.subjectcompressed dry air supply systemen_US
DC.subjectenergy saving improvementen_US
DC.titleAnalysis and improvement of energy consumption of high pressure dry air system by systems approachen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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