博碩士論文 106421041 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYen-Cheng Kuoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract區塊鏈應用為2019年十大科技趨勢之一,提供新型態的信任模式機制,讓交易不需要受到中央主管機關仲裁,使得各行各業皆紛紛使用區塊鏈技術協助自家產業提升競爭力,而由於目前台灣以處於食品安全風波之久,同時因應當今社會食品溯源系統的功能限制,無法完全杜絕有害於人體的食品,原因來自於未知的食品來源以及不透明的供應鏈流程,加上有意向購買有機食品的消費者,對於有機食品之認證標章格外重視,進而促使本研究的問世。本研究採用情境模擬的方式,將有機食品溯源流程模擬至研究中所架設的區塊鏈網路,以Hyperledger超級帳本開發項目進行打造架構,選用Hyperledger Fabric以及Hyperledger Composer打造區塊鏈的相關特徵以及將情境模擬內容建置在架設的區塊鏈網路當中,而關鍵特徵包括其去中心化、開放性、獨立性、安全性、匿名性,使所架設的區塊鏈網路皆能符合上述特色,於區塊鏈系統中建置相關參與角色與其旗下資產,定義參與角色相關操作權限,同時能使消費者能透過REST API介面進行查詢食品的有機認證相關資訊。 本研究發現將區塊鏈網路建置有機食品供應鏈能使有其內部有機食品內容、原物料供應流程公開透明,而有機食品都會附上相關有機食品認證證書,無法被有意人士經過不當手法竄改證書內容。於區塊鏈網路運作智能合約,將節省許多時間成本,簡化作業流程,透過程式鏈碼自動運行區塊鏈網路上的有機食品相關資產建置登錄。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractBlockchain is one of the top ten technology trends in 2019, which provides a new state of trust model mechanism. As Taiwan has been in food safety storm in a long time, there are still many functional limitations of today’s social food traceability system. Especially for the organic food traceability, unknown food sources and opaque supply chain processes are still the problems. Hence, this study aims to develop a blockchain network based on Hyperledger framework and use the contextual simulation method to simulate the organic food traceability process. Hyperledger Fabric and Hyperledger Composer are used to create the relevant features of the blockchain. The situational simulation content is built into the erected blockchain network. The key features include decentralization, openness, independence, security, and anonymity, which enable the erected blockchain network to meet these characteristics. In the blockchain system, the relevant participants, roles and their assets are established, the operational rights related to the participants and roles are defined. Consumers can query the organic authentication related information of the food through the REST API interface. The research found that using blockchain network to build an organic food supply chain can make its internal organic food content and raw material supply process open and transparent, because organic foods will be accompanied by relevant organic food certification certificates, which cannot be improperly manipulated by interested parties. Operating a smart contract on a blockchain network will save a lot of time and cost, simplify the workflow, and automatically run the organic food-related asset creation login on the blockchain network.en_US
DC.titleExploring the Blockchain Application of Taiwan’s Organic Food Traceabilityen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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