博碩士論文 106424009 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorSu-Yih Hsuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract全球許多國家目前以典型與非典型工作進行勞動市場區隔的研究,在文獻上最著名的兩種學說,分別為橋樑說及陷阱說,主張陷阱說的學者認為非典型工作者於任務結束後,不是失業,就是接受另一份非典型工作,如同掉入陷阱之中。主張橋樑說的學者則認為非典型工作其實是提供一種篩選的機制,使雇主能挑選適合的員工進入組織中,使非典型工作能順利與典型工作做接軌。 本文之研究目的為探討台灣勞動市場是否也以典型與非典型工作為區隔及總體經濟的成長是否對此區隔有所幫助,我們以臺灣地區的勞動人口為例,檢視非典型工作者的勞動力特性、工作身分變化、總體經濟指標等之間的關聯。本研究資料來源為行政院主計總處所提供的2013年及2017年人力運用調查,並將非典型工作者進行多元邏輯思迴歸的實證分析。 實證結果發現目前台灣勞動市場確實有此區隔,除此之外台灣目前的就業環境較為支持陷阱說,另就勞動力特性而言,典型工作者通常是男性、25~44歲、已婚、高教育工作者,非典型工作者通常為女性、15~24歲、未婚、低教育工作者。最後,雖台灣目前就業環境較為支持陷阱說,是讓人沮喪的結果,但本研究也發現在總體經濟成長時,或有脫離陷阱說的可能性。在全球非典型工作者不斷增加的情況下,如果不積極培養自己的專長,恐將淪為低收入,並進入惡性循環之一員。在預期將來巨大變化的情況下,建議政府能對他們提供相對的保護措施,並矯正一般人民的觀念,做到人盡其才,發揮勞動者的最大功能。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAt present, many countries in the world use standard employment and non-standard employment to investigate the labor market segmentation. The two most famous theories in the literature are the bridge theory and the trap theory. Scholars who advocate the trap theory believe that after the completion of the previous job, non-standard workers will either fall into unemployment or accept another non-standard job, which is like entering a trap. Scholars who advocate the bridge theory believe that non-standard workers have a screening mechanism, which enables employers to select suitable employees in the process of entering the organization so that the non-standard workers can smoothly in line with the standard workers. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there is a segmentation of standard employment and non-standard employment in the Taiwan labor market and whether the growth of the overall economy helps to reduce this segmentation. This study takes the labor force population in Taiwan to examine the characteristics of non-standard workers and their changes in work status and their association with overall economic indicators. The source of this research is the 2013 and 2017 manpower utilization surveys provided by the Chief Accounting Officer of the Executive Yuan, and conducted the empirical analysis of multiple logistic regression for the information of the non-standard workers. The empirical results found that segmentation does exist in the current Taiwan labor market. Besides, the current employment environment in Taiwan is more supportive of the trap theory. In terms of labor characteristics, standard workers are usually male, 25-44-year-old, married, and highly educated workers, while non-standard workers are usually female, 15-24-year-old, unmarried, and low educated. Finally, although the current employment environment in Taiwan supports the trap theory, which is a frustrating result, this study also found that with the overall economic growth, non-standard workers may have a higher chance of breaking away from the trap theory. With the increasing number of non-standard workers, if you do not actively cultivate your expertise, you may become a member of low income and enter a vicious circle. In anticipation of the great changes in the future, it is suggested that the government should cooperate, provide corresponding protection measures, and correct the concept of the people, to make the best use of the workers′ talents and maximize the function of all the workers.en_US
DC.subjectNon-standard Employmenten_US
DC.subjectManpower Utilization Surveyen_US
DC.subjectMultiple Logistic Regressionen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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