博碩士論文 106424020 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorLi-Ting Chaoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract空氣污染日益嚴重,短期內無法改善空氣品質,民眾可透過避免行為來減少空氣污染對健康的負面影響。本研究使用2018年3月至2019年1月線上購物網站之口罩資料及臺北市立動物園提供2010年10月至2018年11月(每年10月至隔年3月)之入園人數資料進行分析。 本研究將防衛產品分析之模型分為兩部分,一部分模型採用半對數形式之特徵價格模型,算出各特徵變數之邊際價格;另一部分模型則使用Box-Cox轉換模型,透過分析口罩特徵對價格的隱含影響。戶外活動之行為部分則使用半對數模型及Box-Cox轉換模型,分析空氣品質對民眾戶外活動行為之影響。 口罩之特徵價格模型結果顯示,具有抗PM2.5功能、符合N95標準及口罩個數對口罩價格皆有顯著正影響,具有活性碳材質、具有美觀特徵及具有防曬功能之口罩對口罩價格影響皆為正向不顯著。Box-Cox轉換結果顯示,具有抗PM2.5功能及符合N95標準兩者對口罩正向隱含價格最大;細菌過濾率大於90%對口罩價格有負向隱含價格。戶外活動之半對數模型結果顯示,PM2.5濃度對入園總人數有顯著影響,對購買團體票、免票人數影響則不顯著。增加PM2.5濃度的落後期,結果顯示,PM2.5濃度僅對購買全票入園人數有顯著影響。Box-Cox轉換結果顯示,假日對人數隱含影響最大,且對大多數族群皆為正影響,僅對購買團體票人數為負影響,天氣因素則對購買全票人數及免票人數影響較大,PM2.5濃度及前一期PM2.5濃度僅對購買全票人數有顯著影響。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAir pollution is becoming more and more serious, and air quality can’t be improved in the short term. People can avoid the negative impact of air pollution on health by avoiding behavior. This study used the facemask data of the online shopping website from March 2018 to January 2019 and the Taipei Zoo to provide data of visits rate from October 2010 to November 2018. In this study, the model is divided into two parts. One-part use hedonic price models that the price of a product reflects embodied characteristics valued by some implicit prices. The other part uses the Box-Cox model to analyze the price of the facemask characteristics implicit influence. The behavioral part of outdoor activities uses a semi-log model and a Box-Cox model to analyze the impact of air quality on people′s outdoor activities. The hedonic price model results show that the anti-PM2.5 function, the N95 standard and the number of facemasks have a significant positive effect on the facemask price. The Box-Cox model results show that the anti-PM2.5 function and the N95 standard have the highest positive implied price for the facemask; the bacterial filtration effect greater than 90% has a negative implied price for the facemask price. The results of the semi-log model showed that the concentration of PM2.5 had a significant effect on the total visits rate, and the impact on the number of people purchasing the group ticket and the number of free ticket was not significant. Box-Cox model results show that holidays have a positive impact on most people groups. It only has a negative impact on the number of people purchasing the group ticket. The weather factor has a greater impact on the number of people who purchase the full ticket and the number of free ticket. en_US
DC.title空氣污染下民眾避免行為 -以口罩及動物園入園人數為例zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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