博碩士論文 106427021 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorKuan-Ju Leeen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著高齡社會、少子化及高齡勞動參與率低,使得企業在未來即將面臨勞動力不足及老化的情況,如何因應此狀況使得企業不會面臨勞動力不足的問題日漸重要。中高齡員工為企業之重要人力資本,如何使他們繼續留在組織工作,並且願意與組織一同成長及接受新挑戰為本研究之主要動機。 本研究以社會情緒選擇理論為主要基礎理論,並以年齡為自變項、工作意義知覺為中介變項、工作動機為依變項,建立結構方程模型(SEM),探討工作意義知覺是否在年齡與工作動機間扮演中介效果,改變年齡與工作動機間的關係。 本研究以台灣企業之員工為研究對象,同時為了避免共同方法變異的問題,以兩階段的方式發放問卷,最終有效問卷數為395份,有效問卷回收率達75%。研究結果發現,年齡與工作成長及追求機會動機成負向關係,但與持續工作動機成正向關係。此外,年齡與工作意義知覺成正向關係、工作意義知覺與工作動機成正向關係,且透過拔靴法的檢驗發現,工作意義知覺在年齡與工作動機間具有中介效果。最後,希望本研究所提出之管理意涵能有助於企業留任中高齡員工,且使中高齡領域之研究更向前一步。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research was to find the way to retain the senior employees in the organization, be willing to grow together with the organization and accept new challenges. Since Taiwan became an aged society, low birth rate and low participation rate of old workers, the company will face the shortage of manpower and aging labor in the future. Besides, the senior employees are the important human capital of the company. Thus, how to deal with this situation and keep the senior employees become more and more important for the enterprises. This research was based on the Socioemotional Selectivity Theory and used structural equation model (SEM) by taking age as independent variable, meaning of work as mediate variable and work motivation as the dependent variable. This model allowed us to examine how the meaning of work for old workers would affect the relation between the age and work motivation and if the meaning of work is a mediator between age and work motivation. The research obtained a total 395 samples from Taiwan companies’ employees. The results showed that there was a negative relation between age and growth or development motivation and focus on opportunities motivation, but a positive relation between age and continue working motivation. On the other hand, there was a positive relation between age and the meaning of work. Also, the meaning of work and work motivation had positive relation. Through the bootstrapping analyze, the research indicated that the meaning of work was a mediator between age and work motivation. Finally, hope that the research can help companies retain aging workers and make the research in the middle-aged and aged workers field a step forward.en_US
DC.subjectWork motivationen_US
DC.subjectContinue working motivationen_US
DC.subjectGrowth or development motivationen_US
DC.subjectFocus on opportunities motivationen_US
DC.subjectMeaning of worken_US
DC.titleResearch of the relation between aging employees’ age and working motivation— Discussion of the mediate effect of the meaning of worken_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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