博碩士論文 106427024 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJui-Wen Hungen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract《A Theory of Justice》一書由約翰˙勞爾斯 (John Rawls)在1971年揭櫫了「正義即公平」(Justice as Fairness),這具有劃時代意義的里程碑,成為自由主義(Liberalism)重要的理論之一。而績效管理通常做為員工調薪、晉升及留才之依據,若無公平性可言,則會大幅降低員工對績效管理系統的信任,甚至會怨懟組織。不僅如此,組織信任被許多研究證實其對組織會產生影響,若員工欲信任其主管,則會展現出更多的組織承諾。過去的研究證實組織承諾肩負著提升組織績效、降低離職意願等功能。 本研究欲以組織信任為中介變數,探討員工對績效考核公平之知覺對組織承諾之影響,提出下列四項假說:(1) 若員工對其績效考核之公平性知覺愈高時,則可以推論該員工對其組織的信任程度愈高 (2) 若員工對其組織的信任愈高,則其組織承諾也愈高 (3) 若員工對其績效考核之公平性知覺愈高時,則其組織承諾也愈高 (4) 組織信任在員工對績效考核之公平性知覺和組織承諾之間具有中介效果。 透過問卷調查法及統計套裝軟體,進行研究資料之分析,檢驗假說並推導出研究成果;期望本研究之研究結果能提供日後人力資源管理實務上之建議。根據研究結果顯示四項研究假設皆成立,若員工對其績效考核之公平性知覺愈高時,則員工對其組織的信任程度愈高、若員工對其組織的信任愈高,則其組織承諾也愈高、若員工對其績效考核之公平性知覺愈高時,則其組織承諾也愈高,而組織信任在員工績效公平之知覺對組織承諾的影響中具有部分中介效果。 本研究乃屬於組織行為的研究範疇,而組織行為往往由許多因素影響,並非單一變項就能清楚地解釋,為了聚焦研究主題,無法納入其他研究變項。因此提出研究限制和未來研究方向,供未來研究者在本研究的基礎上做更深入的探討,豐富組織行為領域的中文學術著作之內涵。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThere is a book called "A Theory of Justice" written by John Rawls published in 1971, stated that "Justice as Fairness", a milestone that became one of the theories related to Liberalism later. Performance management is often used as the basis for employees to adjust salary, promotion and retaining. If there is no fairness, it will greatly reduce employees′ trust in the performance management system and causing them even to blame the organization. Not only organizational trust is confirmed by many studies to have an impact on the organization, and if employees want to trust their supervisors, they will show more organizational commitment. Past research confirms that organizations are committed to have the ability of improving organizational performance and reducing willingness to leave. This study intends to use organizational trust as a mediator variable to explore the impact of employees′ perception of fairness in performance appraisal on organizational commitment. The following four hypotheses are proposed: (1) The higher employee’s perception of fairness in performance appraisal, the higher their organizational trust will be. (2) The higher the employee’s trust in his or her organization, the higher his organizational commitment will be. (3) The higher employee’s perception of fairness in performance appraisal, the higher their commitment will be. (4) Organizational trust has an mediating effect in employees′ fairness perception of performance appraisal on organizational commitment. The research data was analyzed after the questionnaire were gathered and statistical software was used. According to the research results, all four research hypotheses are supported. First, if employees are more aware of the fairness of their performance appraisal, the higher the trust of employees in their organization. Secondly, the higher their trust in their organization, the higher their organizational commitment. Third, the higher the employee′s perception of fairness in performance appraisal, the higher the organizational commitment. Finally, the organizational trust has a partial mediation effect on the impact of employees’ perception of performance fairness on organizational commitment. This research is related to the field of organizational behavior, and it is often influenced by many factors. So that, there isn’t a single variable that can be clearly explained of thiscomplicated cause and effect process. In order to focus on the research topic, other research variables cannot be included. Therefore, research restrictions and future research directions are proposed for future researchers to conduct more in-depth discussions on the basis of this research to enrich the content of Chinese academic research in the field of organizational behavior.en_US
DC.subjectperception of fairness in performance appraisalen_US
DC.subjectorganizational trusten_US
DC.subjectorganizational commitmenten_US
DC.titleExploring the Effects of Employees′ Perception of Fairness in Performance Appraisal on Organizational Commitment:The Mediating Role of Organizational Trusten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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