博碩士論文 106450003 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChieh-Ping Chiuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣織襪產業受到內在經營環境及外在市場競爭激烈的影響,必須進入生產少量多樣且高附加價值產品的藍海,因此將樣品快速準確地交到客戶手中已成織襪業者繼續存活的關鍵。 如何有效運用員工這項資產是企業提升營運績效的關鍵,本研究實務探討個案公司之打樣部門如何克服困難進行有效的團隊溝通,以及其對營運績效所產生的實際影響並提出建議如何將成功經驗複製到其他部門上,並以個案研究法,透過文獻、檔案記錄、長期直接觀察與參與性觀察,深入瞭解其組織變革過程,並以變革理論及學習型組織理論來分析。 個案公司(成立於1985年)為國內外知名織襪代工公司,從參展、接單、生產、出貨等為國內少數的織襪產業一條龍服務企業。透過本個案研究發現,若要透過團隊溝通來改善營運績效,企業必須要相信員工是可以改變的且能運用眾人的智慧、要訂立團隊目標且透過堅持去做正確的小事情來達成,及建立員工間競合及互相信賴的關係。 管理階層必須理解,變革的成功都從自己的改變開始,員工的工作績效主要受到公司的制度和規範所影響,唯有管理階層願意改變,企業才可能開創新局。並用實際的作為讓員工感受到自己確實是企業的資產,透過開創平台讓員工可以無顧慮的分享,藉以充分享用眾人智慧的這項資源。在遴選管理幹部時要注意其除了專業能力外是否也有營造人和的能力,一言以蔽之,做人和做事的能力,在選拔管理幹部應綜合考量,另外在某部門中屢屢無法推行改革時,除應檢視改革的方向,也應檢視是否有「人和」的問題。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAffected by the inherent operating environment and fierce global market competition, Taiwan′s hosiery industry must enter the blue ocean of producing small-volume, large-variety and high value-added products. Producing samples is labor, skill and communication intensive, making employees especially critical for improving performance in this operation. Therefore, delivering fast and accurate samples is key for the hosiery companies in Taiwan to survive. This research explores how the sample team of a case company overcame the difficulties of collaboration by conducting effective team communication, what the actual impact on operational performance could be produced and how the successful experiences may be reproduced in the case company’s other departments. Based on the theoretical insights from the literature of organizational change and learning organization, the study collected data from archival records, long-term direct observations and participatory observations. The case company, established in 1985, is a well-known OEM/ODM sock manufacturer. It is also one of the few hosiery industry companies with a consistent production process of exhibition, receiving orders, production, and shipment. This case study shows, to improve operational performance through more effective team communication, management have to believe the employees can change attitudes and behaviors and use the collective intelligence, set the team goal and achieve it by insisting on doing the right small things, and establish among them a relationship of competition-cooperation and mutual trust. Management must understand that the success of organizational change begins with its own personal change due to the performance of employees is mainly affected by the company′s rules and regulations. To let employees feel that they are indeed the assets of the company, the management must open the sharing platform and value the collective intelligence as critical resources. When selecting the executives, it is necessary to pay attention to whether they have the ability to create interpersonal harmony besides professional competence. In addition, when a reform has failed in a certain department repeatedly, it is also necessary to examine whether there is a problem of interpersonal harmony, in addition to examining the direction of the reform.en_US
DC.subjectHosiery industryen_US
DC.subjectTeam communicationen_US
DC.subjectOrganizational changeen_US
DC.subjectLearning organizationen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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