博碩士論文 106450043 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMing-Chu Suen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著科技的發達,當金融與科技逐漸融合,金融科技正悄悄地改變著傳統的金融業。以銀行業來說,數位金融的浪潮襲向台灣,未來民眾使用手機,並透過網路銀行就可滿足基本的金融需求,銀行的實體分行價值隨之面臨威脅,目前民眾使用網銀以及網路ATM等非實體交易的筆數逐年攀升,相反的,至銀行臨櫃則是逐年下降,因此我國銀行業在面對這一波又一波金融科技浪潮的衝擊下,逐漸調整本身經營方向,並找出因應策略是必須的。本研究蒐集包括政府部門的報告、工商業界的研究、文件記錄資料庫、企業組織資料以及書籍及期刊等不同形式的資料,獲得基本的分析素材,透過將搜集的資料作新的方向分析,以找出目前我國銀行業在面臨金融科技挑戰下可行的策略。 本研究將策略方向分為基盤建置面與經營策略兩方面。基盤建置面又分為法規、人才與技術相關等兩項;經營策略面則有業務、新創合作、數據應用、生態系建置等。法規相關的策略建議是銀行業應該多加注意金融法規的變動,以適時作出因應,同時為了能夠加速應用金融科技,若有法規上需修正放寬或增加,則必須多與主管機關金管會多加溝通;人才與技術相關首先則是銀行內部必須建立內外兼具的人才選訓制度,此外,對於金融科技所需之技術亦需要提早建置補足,例如人工智慧與區塊鏈的應用等。 經營策略面的業務相關策略則是建議銀行應該擴大業務範疇與業務多樣性,善加利用監理沙盒,金融業者間的策略聯盟、投資入股或併購等方式增加業務多樣性;新創合作則是銀行必須主動與開發金融科技相關的新創廠商合作,金融新創業者有技術,但較缺少客戶,而銀行則通常擁有眾多客戶,且對新科技有需求,因此兩者互相合作是屬於雙贏的策略;數據應用上,除了數據安全是銀行業所必須重視的以外,利用數據創造價值方面,公股銀行相較於民營銀行來說,更應投入資源,從系統更新等最基本的地方迎頭趕上;最後,我國銀行應試圖透過跨域合作、異業結合的策略,發展跨產業的生態系,例如與支付業者、網路平台業者合作,將科技導入服務,使消費者體驗能夠精進,這種生態系將明顯有別於過往傳統金融業的傳統營運模式。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the technology development, finance and technology have combined to gradually change the traditional financial sector. Regarding the banking industry, people’s demand for financial services can be satisfied easily by cell phones via internet banking, which causes the value of real banks to decrease significantly. This situation is also reflected by the fact that the frequency of people using the internet banking is increasing yearly. Therefore, under the wave of FinTech (financial technology), Taiwan’s banking industry should adjust its way to operate and search for future development strategies. This study aims to use the data including reports from private and public sectors, journal articles, finance-related documents, and data from government statistics. The suggestions derived from the analysis can be divided into fundamental and operational strategies. First, the fundamental strategies include different aspects of government regulations, talents, and development of the ability to use FinTech. Banks should notice the change of financial regulations in order to react in time. Moreover, if banks need regulation amendments to stimulate the use of FinTech, they should communicate more frequently with the Financial Supervisory Commission. Regarding talents and FinTech usage, banks should establish a comprehensive talent recruitment system as earlier as possible. Also, they should more open to adopt new technologies in their operations, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain. In addition to fundamental strategies, operational suggestions proposed in this study believe banks broaden their business scope by using different methods such as regulatory sandbox, strategic alliances between banks, merger and acquisition, etc. Moreover, it is important to proactively collaborate with financial startups which typically lack customers. Banks can obtain the technologies development by these startups by providing them with customers, which results in a win-win situation. Concerning data application, except for data security, digging out the value from data is extremely critical, especially for those public banks that are behind private banks in data usage. Finally, Taiwanese banks should collaborate with other industries to develop a cross-industry ecosystem. One of the best examples is the collaboration between the payment industry and internet platforms. Banks should also try to profit from this special ecosystem which is very different from the traditional operation model.en_US
DC.subjectFinancial technologyen_US
DC.subjectfinancial innovationen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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