博碩士論文 106450058 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChing-Wei Kuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract人口老齡化是世界各國都面對的重大問題,在中國因為早期推行一胎化政策,導致老齡化問題更為嚴重,因此,中國政府大力推動養老機構的發展,從政策補助、制定法令及官方宣導等方面,都在全力建立養老產業鏈的完善;在如此的環境下,個案MD公司便是其中的受惠者,但雖有官方政策土地補助,初期的經營上仍遇到瓶頸,在一個成長中的產業中,如何因應市場競爭者的增加,凸顯自身的優勢,符合消費者的需求,成為個案公司最大的課題。 故,本研究主要探討在市場急速發展的養老產業環境中,個案公司如何運用自身擁有的資源與能力進一步發展。透過資料蒐集與彙整了解產業的概況,再以SWOT分析其優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅,並針對個案MD公司的服務行銷策略進行探討。 研究結果顯示個案MD公司在現階段具備良好的資源優勢,在其服務行銷的策略上表現優於市場上的競爭者。但由於消費者需求的變化,各方競爭者陸續進入養老巿場的情況之下,在未來的經營將面對更大的挑戰。個案公司需持續關注政府政策的變化與競爭者的差異,即時做出應對;引進國際養老理念發展適合中國國情的養老模式,結合政策發展醫養一體的綜合機構;引入外部人才資源,導入資訊化管理打造智慧養老服務產業;藉由品牌效應形成養老機構共同體,以利擴大公司營運項目及營收及持續的成長。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractPopulation aging is a major problem facing all countries in the world. In China, because of the early implementation of the one-child policy, the problem of aging is more serious. Therefore, the Chinese government vigorously promotes the development of pension institutions, and makes every effort to establish the perfection of the old-age industry chain from the aspects of policy subsidies, enactment of laws and official propaganda. In such an environment, MD company is one of them. Despite the official policy of land subsidy, the beneficiaries still encounter bottlenecks in their initial operation. In a growing industry, how to respond to the increase of market competitors, highlight their own advantages and meet the needs of consumers has become the biggest issue for individual companies. Therefore, this study mainly explores how case company use their own resources and capabilities to further develop in the rapidly developing market environment of the pension industry. Through data collection and compilation to understand the general situation of the industry, and then SWOT analysis of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, and to explore the case of MD company′s service marketing strategy. The results show that MD company has a good resource advantage at this stage, and its service marketing strategy is superior to competitors in the market. However, due to changes in consumer demand, Other competitors have entered the pension market, and future business will face greater challenges. MD company need to continue to pay attention to changes in government policies and differences between competitors and respond immediately; introduce the concept of international, develop pension models suitable for China′s conditions, integrate health care with policy development; introduce external talent resources and conduct business within enterprises. Develop information management, build intelligent old-age service industry, form community of old-age institutions through brand effect, and realize the expansion of old-age service industry. The company′s business projects and revenue continued to grow.en_US
DC.subjectpension institutionsen_US
DC.subjectmarketing strategiesen_US
DC.subjectSWOT analysisen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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