博碩士論文 106450079 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChih-Chao Wuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract企業人才培養不易,且目前人口老齡化是全球趨勢,未來的企業組織將要面對勞動人口減少的衝擊之外,還要面臨中老齡層員工持續工作的動力、經驗的傳承,及避免勞動力及技術的斷層。這幾年國內對於研究如何提升及增加中高齡員工的工作意願及成長動機,都是企業組織管理中很重要的議題,如何延續企業的傳承及激勵中高齡員工願意留在組織中貢獻增加勞動力是本研究探討的方向。 本研究延續莊瑋亨(2015)、馮蜀慧(2018)的研究,主要探討中高齡員工隨著年齡增長為自變項對於持續工作動機、工作成長動機與追求機會動機為依變項之間的關聯性,並使用學習目標為依變項調節項目來分析研究調節後的效果。研究方式為問卷發放收集資料,共發出527份問卷,並且兩階段式問卷發放來避免共同方法變異,共回收413份最終有效樣本數為395份,有效問卷回收率為75%,透過迴歸分析方法驗證所研究的假設。 結果發現與莊瑋亨(2015)、馮蜀慧(2018)所研究相同結論,當中高齡員工的年齡越大時對於持續工作的動機反而是正向增加而非越來越弱,但是在追求工作成長的部分卻是年齡越大動機越是減少。在持續工作動機的研究結果方面與過去西方學者所研究結果大不相同,可能在文化上觀念想法的差異及世代環境不同的原因,使得對於經濟的需求感有所改變,進而導致研究出結果的差異。但是在年齡與追求工作成長動機的對比下,研究結果顯示年齡越大對於追求工作成長的動機卻是越弱。這同時也驗證說明年齡越大對於持續工作動機是有正向關係,但也許此正向關係是屬於被動、外在因素所影響導致,而非對於工作有期待感。 有持續工作的動機但不追求工作成長可能僅是需要而非想要,但目前大多數企業組織對於中高齡員工的期望,除了能持續穩定的在工作崗位上之外,也希望能延續組織的運作正常、技術的傳承。在本研究中加入明確性的人力管理計畫以「學習目標導向」為調節項來作為研究,進一步的發現在高度的學習目標導向下反而使得中高齡員工會降低持續工作意願,但是在追求工作成長動機卻是大大提升了追求動機。中高齡員工對於工作的需求感或是期待感是會因企業組織實施不同的人力措施計畫而有所改變,組織也更應當對於在不同崗位、不同任務的需求上對於中高齡員工有著適度的計畫,才可避免造成反效果,而達到組織與勞工雙贏的結果。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIt is not easy for enterprises to train talents. At present, the aging population is a global trend. In addition to the impact of the reduction of the workforce, enterprises will also face the challenge on motivation of continue working, experience inheritance and the avoidance of the gap between labor force and technology. In recent years, research in Taiwan studied on how to improve and increase the working willingness and growth motivation of middle-aged and aged workers is an important issue in enterprise organization management. This study is aim to understand that how to continue the inheritance of enterprises and motivate middle-aged and aged workers to stay in the organization and contribute more work. This study continues the research of Zhuang Weiheng (2015) and Feng Shuhui (2018). It mainly discuss the correlation between the self-variable of middle-aged and aged workers with age and the variable-dependent motivation of continuing work, job growth motivation and opportunity pursuit motivation, and uses the variable-dependent adjustment project of learning goal to analyze the effect of adjustment. A total of 527 questionnaires were sent out to collect data as a methodology for this study, and two-stage questionnaires were issued to avoid common method variation. A total of 413 final valid samples were received, with a valid questionnaire recovery rate of 75%. The hypothesis was validated by regression analysis. The results show that the older the employees are, the more motivated they are to continue to work, rather than the weaker they are. However, in the pursuit of job growth, the older the motivation is, the less motivated they are. The results of the study on motivation for continuous work are quite different from those of the previous western scholars. It may be that the differences in cultural ideas and generational environments have changed the sense of economic need, which leads to the differences in the results of the study. However, compared with the motivation of pursuing job growth, the results show that the older the age, the weaker the motivation of pursuing job growth. This also proves that the older the age, the more positive the motivation for continuous work, but maybe this positive relationship is caused by passive and external factors, rather than expectation of work. The motivation to work continuously but not to pursue job growth may only be need rather than desire, but at present most enterprise organizations expect the middle-aged and senior employees to continue their normal operation and technology inheritance in addition to being able to work steadily and steadily. In this study, explicit human resource management plan is added to the study, which takes "learning goal orientation" as a moderator. Further, it is found that high learning goal orientation makes middle-aged and aged workers reduce their willingness to work continuously, but their motivation to pursue job growth is greatly enhanced. The sense of demand or expectation of middle-aged and aged workers will be changed by the implementation of different manpower measures. Organizations should also have appropriate plans for the needs of middle-aged and aged workers in different positions and tasks, so as to avoid adverse effects and achieve win-win results between organizations and workers.en_US
DC.subjectmiddle-aged and aged workersen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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