博碩士論文 106454018 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChin-Chen HOen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract政府推動創新創業政策與措施,扶植新創企業成長與發展,不僅可創造許多的就業機會,對經濟產值產生乘數效益,對於國內企業組織亦可藉由併購或合作新創企業的方式促進研發與創新能力的提升。因此,鼓勵創新創業,營造良好完善創業環境,向來為台灣主要政策方向。 台灣推動創新創業發展至今已經超過20年,本研究經蒐集主題相關之主要推動計畫、成果及相關文獻,採取政策分析法加以整理歸納與分析後,對於我國未來推動創新創業政策建議方向,研究結論整理如下: 一、 「政府組織面向」:行政院內設立「創新創業」專責處室,負責協調行政院所屬各機關資源與推動我國新創業務,以及擬定中長程整體性新創政策綱領等工作,對於我國未來新創環境發展,應有所助益。 二、 「創新法規面向」:透過需求面新創法規之協調機制的建立,完成新創政策影響評估,即時調整現行法規,並以投資抵減租稅優惠鼓勵企業投資新創。 三、 「創新人才面向」:持續強化我國新創攬才、留才機制,並研擬推動學研創育機構法人化,完整大學衍生企業生態。 四、 「完善資金協助面向」:持續提升新創企業商業思維,增加具市場競爭力投資案源;研擬引進國際化創投機構與公股金融機構合作,並以設立政策性金融機構為長期規劃。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTo promote and implement innovation and entrepreneurship policies and measures by the government to foster the growth and development of start-up companies will not only increase employment opportunities but create multiplier effects in terms of economic output while for domestic enterprises research and development capabilities can be enhanced through mergers, acquisitions and cooperation with start-up companies. Hence, to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship and to create a sound and perfect entrepreneurial environment have always been main policy aspects in Taiwan. The promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship in Taiwan has had a long history of more than two decades. Based on policy analysis methodology, this study organizes, induces and analyzes major promotion plans in the past and achievements thereof together with relevant literature to present suggestions about policies for future promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship. Conclusions of the study are as follows: In the aspect of government organization: The development of innovation and entrepreneurship environment in the future will be benefited from a dedicated “Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship” set up in the Executive Yuan to coordinate resources and promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship matters in ministries and agencies and map out overall mid-term and long-term policy guidelines. In the aspect of innovation-related laws and regulations: A mechanism for coordination of industrial needs and innovation-related laws and regulations shall be in place for policy impact assessment so that prompt adjustment to existing laws and regulations can be achieved while investment tax credits shall also be available to encourage businesses to invest in new ventures. In the aspect of innovation talents: Continued improvement shall be made to measures of retention and recruitment of innovation talents and corporatization of academy / research / innovation / talent cultivation institutions shall be promoted to realize university spin-off companies. In the aspect of financial support: Continued improvement shall be made to start-up companies’ business thinking to increase investment deal sourcing with market competitiveness while cooperation between international venture capitals and financial institutions with government shares shall be planned with establishment of policy financial institutions as a long-term goal. en_US
DC.subjectinnovation and entrepreneurshipen_US
DC.titleA Study on Policies and Effects of Promoting Innovation and Entrepreneurship Environment in Taiwanen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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