博碩士論文 106457006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShih-Chun Kuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究的主要目的在探討經由不同的領導型態,影響不同年齡的就業者與工作動機之間的影響性。中高齡勞動者的逐漸增加已是世界各國的趨勢,現今亦有許多國家政府也制定相關政策來鼓勵中高齡者繼續工作或延後退休。在西方學者的研究中發現,中高齡員工因年齡增長,持續工作動機也越低。但在台灣的研究者莊瑋亨(2015)以及馮蜀蕙(2018)的研究結果卻發現,以台灣勞工所進行的研究對象,隨著年齡越大與持續工作動機卻是呈正向關係,此調查結果與過去西方學者的研究非常不同。 因此,本報告延續著莊瑋亨(2015)以及馮蜀蕙(2018)的研究,進一步想了解會影響中高齡就業者的工作意願及動機的其他因素,希望能幫助企業發展有效的管理模式,以提升企業組織在市場上的競爭力。 本研究主要探討以不同的領導型態管理部屬,了解勞動者在不同年齡與持續工作動機、工作成長動機之影響性。研究方法是以二種不同的方式的管理型態:「轉換型領導」與「交易型領導」做為調節變項,以「生理年齡」為「自變項」,對「持續工作動機」、「工作成長動機」二項「依變項」進行研究。 本研究結果對於企業組織的管理階層來說是有價值的,因為驗證了不同的管理風格的確會對員工不同的內、外在工作動機造成影響。若領導者能認知此狀況,調整管理風格做適度的切換,相信更能有效的為企業留下珍貴的人力資源。 關鍵字:轉換型領導、交易型領導、持續工作動機、工作成長動機 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this thesis is to discuss about how the different leadership styles affect the working motivation for the middle age and elder employees. In every country, rising age workers in the middle age and elder employees is a trend. Many countries have designed the related regulations to encourage the middle age and elder employees to continue working or extend their retire time. In the past literatures, the western researchers had found that age is in inverse proportion to continue working for the middle age and elder employees. However, two Taiwanese researchers Mr.Chuang (2015) and Ms.Fong (2018) gave us the different conclusions in their researches. That is to say, age is proportional to continue working. Therefore, this thesis bases on the results of these two Taiwanese researchers and try to further find the working motivation of the middle age and elder employees for helping the enterprises to develop the efficient management models and increasing the enterprise competition in the global market. In this thesis, how the two types of leaderships, transformational and transactional, can affect the continue working and working growth motivation for the middle age and elder employees. The two types of leaderships are set as the moderator. The physiological age (Calendar age) is the independent variable with continue working motivation and working growth motivation as the dependent variables. The research results is valuable for the management levels of enterprises since the research results prove that the leadership styles can affect the insider and outsider working motivation of employees. If the leaders can realize the effects of leaderships and learn how to enhance their leadership ability, the human resources can be used efficiently by the enterprises. Keywords: Transformational leadership、Transactional leadership、Continue working motivation、Working growth motivation en_US
DC.titleThe relationship between age and motivation to continue working and working growth—Transformational leadership and transactional leadership style as the moderate variableen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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