博碩士論文 106457017 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMei-Yen Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract護理是一門科學,也是一門藝術,更是高壓力、高挑戰及高成就感的助人專業。護理工作具有高度專業與不可替性的特質,也因此臨床護理人員就算生病了或感覺身體不舒服,仍然會抱病出勤工作。本研究將針對護理人員勉強出勤、人格特質及醫療異常事件發生之間的相關性進行探討,採結構式問卷調查並以採羅吉斯迴歸進行資料分析,問卷共發250份問卷,有效問卷為225份。 本研究結果發現: 1.五大人格特質以勤勉審慎性,其勝算比為0.312,表示勤勉審慎性的程度愈高,出現醫療異常事件機率也愈低。 2.勉強出勤變項對醫療異常事件發生有顯著解釋效果。勉強出勤中第一題雖然生病了,還是勉強自己去工作」的迴歸係數為負向,其勝算比exp(B)值為0.24;勉強出勤第二題「雖然有身體不舒服症狀,例如:頭痛、背痛,還是勉強自己去工作的迴歸係數為正向,其發生醫療異常事件的機率是一般身體健康者的14倍。 3.在護理人員個人屬性中性別及所屬單位具有顯著水準,且一般病房發生醫療異常事件的機會高於急重症病房與門診。 本研究希望藉由了解護理人員勉強出勤、人格特質與醫療異常事件發生的相關性,提供醫院人力資源管理者在決策時之參考,共同為病人安全把關,並提升醫療品質。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAs nursing is considered as a science and an art, it is also a helping profession with high stress, high challenge, and high achievement. Nursing work has a high degree of professionalism and irreplaceable trait. Even if clinical nursing staffs feel ill or have physically uncomfortable feelings, they may push themselves to keep the status of presenteeism. This study aimed to study the correlations among presenteeism, personality traits, and medical incident events in nursing staffs. A survey by using a structured questionnaire was conducted, and a total of 250 questionnaires were collected with 225 effective questionnaires. The logistic regression analysis was applied for statistical analysis. Results: 1.Five personality traits were analyzed. Among them, a higher degree of conscientiousness personality was associated with lower probability of medical incident events (odds ratio [OR:] 0.312). 2.The status of presenteeism had a significant effect on explaining the occurrence of medical incident events. For the first question in the item of presenteeism: "Although I am ill, I will still push myself to work with difficulty", the regression coefficient (β) was negative (exp(β) [OR]: 0.24); For the second question in the item of presenteeism: “Although I feel symptoms of physical discomfort, such as headache or back pain, I will still push myself to work with difficulty”, the regression coefficient was positive, and the probability of medical incident events was 14 times higher than a heathy person. 3.In discussing the personal attributes, the gender and affiliated units had significant difference among nursing staffs, and the probability of medical incident events in general wards were higher than in emergent/critical care units and outpatient clinics. By understanding the correlations among presenteeism, personality traits, and medical incident events in nursing staffs; this study aimed to provide a reference for hospital’s human resource managers in decision-making, in order to ensure patient safety and improve medical quality.en_US
DC.subjectIncident Eventen_US
DC.subjectPersonality Traitsen_US
DC.subjectLogistic Regressionen_US
DC.titleA Study on Discussing the Correlations among Presenteeism, Personality Traits and Medical Incident Events in Nursing Staffsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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