博碩士論文 106460005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHuang Miao Chuangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著科技發展逐漸日新月異,政府將醫療材料產業列為重點推動的新興策略性工業,且伴隨著高齡化社會來臨、慢性疾病人口增加,健康意識的提升之下,人們愈來愈重視口腔醫療照護,故牙科醫療材料市場在未來呈現高度的成長潛力。然而,牙科醫療材料企業多為國際知名大廠,台灣在國內需求市場規模較小,無法支撐具有國際規模的企業,因此跨向國際佈局是必經之路,如何在全球化的市場上佈局銷售據點將是國內牙科醫療材料業者之一大考驗。 本研究以個案研究法,藉由探討個案公司-牙科醫材產業為例,探討台灣牙科醫療材料產業之競爭策略,運用產業分析協助企業了解產業在面對大環境變遷的激烈競爭下,如何利用改善組織結構來控管成本,運用五力分析結合SWOT分析,協助企業充份了解企業內部之優勢及對外之機會,在國際品牌大廠的威脅下,如何在市場占有一席之地,以及面對世界各國政府對於醫療法規日趨嚴格的法律規範限制下,如何做跨國策略的佈局與垂直整合利用成本控管來突破進入國際市場門檻;如何持續創新、創造差異化附加價值來提高競爭者進入者的門檻以避免削價競爭,讓個案公司得以持續成長,擺脫市場競爭激烈且成長不易的困境。 國內牙科醫材市場相較國外大廠而言規模較小,大多以中小型企業為主,藉由此研究的結果,改善個案公司目前面臨的困境,並發揮競爭優勢,讓個案公司得以持續成長,擺脫國際大廠領導品牌的激烈競爭且成長不易的困境,為企業創造核心價值,達成永續經營的目標。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAs the development of science and technology is changing with each passing day, the government has listed the medical materials industry as a key strategic industry, and with the advent of an aging society, an increase in chronic disease population, and an increase in health awareness, people are paying more and more attention to oral medical care. Therefore, the dental medical materials market has a high growth potential in the future. However, dental medical materials companies are mostly internationally renowned manufacturers. Taiwan has a small domestic demand market and cannot support enterprises of international scale. Therefore, the international layout is the only way to go, how to distribute sales in a global market. The base will be one of the major tests for domestic dental medical materials. This study uses a case study method to explore the competitive strategy of the dental medical materials industry in Taiwan by exploring the case company-dental medical material industry. Using industry analysis to help companies understand how the industry is exploiting in the face of fierce competition in the face of major environmental changes. Improve organizational structure to control costs, and combine SWOT analysis with SWOT analysis to help companies fully understand the advantages of the company and external opportunities. Under the threat of international brand manufacturers, how to have a place in the market, and face Under the restrictions of laws and regulations of the world′s governments on increasingly strict medical regulations, how to make cross-border strategy layout and vertical integration use cost control to break through the threshold of entering the international market; how to continue innovation, create differentiated added value to improve competitors′ entrants The threshold is to avoid price competition and allow case companies to continue to grow and get rid of the predicament of fierce market competition and growth. The domestic dental medical materials market is smaller than foreign large manufacturers, mostly based on small and medium-sized enterprises. With the results of this research, the problem faced by the case companies is improved, and the competitive advantage is given to enable the case companies to continue. Grow up, get rid of the fierce competition of the leading brands of international manufacturers and the difficulty of growing up, create core values for the company and achieve the goal of sustainable development. en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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