博碩士論文 106524010 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYung-Yu Hoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在國際化的社會下,為了與能與國際接軌,英語已經成為必備的能力。過去的研究多半著重於探討學生在外語閱讀中閱讀理解程度的高低,較少探討學生對於在閱讀的過程的感受以及不同類型的書籍對於外語閱讀是否有影響,因此本研究探討學生透過英語漫畫書引導策略活動,學生在活動前後的投入程度的變化以及對於閱讀英文的感受之影響與活動中的投入程度的變化。 參與者來自台灣某國小46位五年級以英語為外語的學生,在第一學期進行英語自主學習活動,此活動中,學生可自由選擇自己所想要閱讀的英文書籍,並將自己覺得好看或精彩的部分畫下並進行創作發表。第二學期進行英語漫畫書閱讀引導活動,此活動,先由引導者運用英語漫畫書引導策略引導學生閱讀英語漫畫書。引導後,再由學生自行分組閱讀引導者所提供之英語漫畫教材,最後請學生進行朗讀以及回答引導者所設計與教材內容相關之問題。本研究主要收集與分析學生的心流、英語閱讀態度以及引導過程中的問答狀況資料進行分析探討,最後針對各班學生單獨進行訪談。 研究結果顯示,經過英語漫畫書閱讀引導活動,能夠有效降低學生在閱讀英文時的不適與焦慮感。在性別方面,能夠有效降低男生對於閱讀英語的不適感,並降低他們對於英文厭惡感並使他們更能掌握英語書籍;而對女生而言,能夠幫助他們瞭解更多的單字,降低他們看不懂英文所產生的焦慮感。在不同先備知識方面,對於高成就的學生雖能降低他們在閱讀英文時的焦慮,但從訪談中還是偏向喜歡自己閱讀英文書籍以及自己選書閱讀;而對於低成就的學生,能讓他們更投入於活動中,並能讓他們降低對於閱讀英語的不適感,但對於他們來說,需要有人引導他們閱讀。在有無補習方面,對於有補習之學生因有一定的英語能力基礎,活動能夠幫助他們瞭解更多的單字,降低他們看不懂英文所產生的焦慮感;對於沒有補習的學生而言,能夠降低他們對於閱讀英語的不適感,不讓他們那麼討厭英文。 關鍵字:閱讀態度、心流、英語漫畫書 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn this international society, English has become an indispensable language. Most of the past researches only focused on the level of students’ reading comprehension in foreign language, but not explored students’ perceptions during the process of reading and whether different types of books have an impact on L2 reading or not. Therefore, this study focuses on the comparison of students’ flow experience before and after the English comic book guiding strategy activities, the impact on students’ feelings during L2 reading, and the changes of students’ flow experience during the activities. 46 students in 5th grade in an elementary school in Taiwan who use English as a second language participated in this study. This study conducted an L2 active reading activity in the first semester. In this activity, students can choose the books they wanted to read and draw the part they liked in the books they read. After that, they shared their work to others. In the second semester, we conducted an English comic book reading guiding activity. First, the guide used the guided the students how to read comic books through English comic book guiding strategies. After that, students were formed into groups and read the English comic books which were provided by the guide and finally asked the students to read aloud or answered the questions related to the content of the English comic books which designed by the guide. This study focused on the analysis of students’ flow experience, English reading attitude and the data of question and answer status. Finally, we interviewed each student. The results of this research showed that English comic books reading guiding activity can effectively reduce students’ discomfort and anxiety during English reading. In terms of gender, the activity can effectively reduce the discomfort of male students during English reading. For female, it not only can help them understand more vocabulary, but also reduce the anxiety while they cannot understand the meaning of English words or sentences. In terms of different prior knowledge, although the activity can reduce the anxiety of high-achievement students while L2 reading, we found out that they were more likely to read what they like or choose books by themselves from the interview. To low-achievement students, they were more willing to participate in this activity and reduce their discomfort on L2 reading, however, they need someone to guide them to read. In terms of joining cram school or not, for those students who joint cram school, because they have a certain level of English proficiency, this activity not only can help them understand more vocabulary, but also reduce their anxiety which appears during L2 reading. For those who didn’t join the cram school, it can reduce their discomfort in L2 reading and their dislike of English. Keywords: reading attitude, flow, comic booken_US
DC.subjectreading attitudeen_US
DC.subjectcomic booken_US
DC.titleThe Effect of English Comic book Leading on Student English Readingen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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