博碩士論文 106524019 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorAn-Bang Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在國際化的時代,英語是一種重要的技能,過去有許多探討英語學習的相關研究,然而大多都是著重於以提升學習者的英語閱讀及字彙能力,較少有針對英語發音能力的研究。透過數位遊戲式學習可以提升學習者的學習動機,另外遊戲中的獎章機制可以讓玩家在達成不同目標時給予玩家相對應的獎勵,並且獲得正面的回饋,然而並不是所有的學習者皆適合這種遊戲機制,因此還要再考慮學習者的個體差異,而過去有許多研究指出學習者的英語焦慮與先備知識的差異,會影響其學習成效。因此本研究開發英語發音多人線上角色扮演遊戲系統,並且包含了獎章機制的學習環境,將英語發音學習內容融入各個關卡當中,同時探討不同英語口語焦慮及先備知識的學習者,在遊戲式英語發音學習環境中對英語發音學習成效、獎章成效、遊戲成效、學習動機、遊戲心流之影響及各變項之相關性,本研究包含56位學習者,並將其依照英語焦慮、遊戲經驗及英語能力進行分組,實驗時間為80分鐘。 實驗結果顯示,使用本研究所開發之數位遊戲式學習系統能夠提升學習者的英語發音能力。其中不同英語焦慮的學習者,其學習成效無顯著差異,然而獎章成效及遊戲成效上在英聽大師、口說大師及聽力次數達到顯著,可看出高焦慮學習者在學習過程中需要較多的英聽藉口說練習。在不同遊戲經驗的學習者,其學習成效無顯著差異,然而在遊戲成效上高經驗的學習者使用口說次數顯著高於低經驗學習者。 另外可以發現低英語能力的學習者其進步分數顯著高於高英語能力的學習者,然而在獎章成效及遊戲成效上,高能力學習者在不可預期獎章、金牌、完成任務、珠光寶氣、一網打盡、能言善道、完美闖關、我是傳奇、口說準確率(所有練習平均)、任務失敗次數、任務完成次數及等級上達到顯著,且可以發現獎章的分級可以明顯區分出不同能力的學習者,另外高能力學習者也較能獲得不可預期的獎章,並且在口說準確率(所有練習平均)可以發現高能力學習者顯著高於低能力學習者,然而在口說準確率(每個任務最高平均)則無顯著,可看出低能力學習者透過系統進行學習後,其口說準確率與高能力學習者沒有明顯差異;在相關性的部分,可看出任務失敗次數與學習動機及遊戲心流皆呈現負相關,而遊戲心流與學習動機呈現正相關。 本研究的結果可以幫助不同英語焦慮及先備知識的學習者增進其學習成效。此外,對於研究者未來在開發適性化的數位遊戲式學習環境時,提供一個設計架構,並且可依據不同學習者之差異進行系統開發。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn an era of internationalization, English is an important skill. In the past, there were many studies which discussed about English learning. However, most of them focus on improving learners′ English reading and writing ability, and less focus on English pronunciation ability. In the digital game-based learning environment, the digital badges mechanism will allow learners to achieve different goals and get the corresponding rewards, with a positive feedback. However, not all of learners are suitable for this kind of game mechanism, so there is a need to consider learner′s individual differences. There are many studies point out that the learner′s anxiety of English and prior knowledge affect their learning performance. Therefore, this study developed an English pronunciation system with multiplayer online role-playing game to create a game-based learning environment, and contained digital badges mechanism. The learning materials were designed with mission-based learning so that learners could practice their English pronunciation ability through solving mission in the gaming process. In order to investigate the impacts of learners with different English anxiety and prior knowledge on English pronunciation performance, badge performance, game performance, learning motivation and gaming flow performance, a quasi-experiment was conducted in a university course with 56 students. The experiment was conducted by dividing students into different English anxiety and prior knowledge, and the experiment time was 80 minutes. The results showed that the digital game-based learning system could improve learners′ pronunciation performance. Among them, learners with different English anxiety had no significant difference in English pronunciation performance, but some items of badge performance and game performance were significant. It could be seen that learners with high anxiety need more English listening and speaking practice in the learning process. Learners with different game experience had no significant difference in English pronunciation performance, but learners with high experience in game performance used speech practice more often than learners with low experience. It also could be found that low ability English learners progress score significantly higher than high ability English learners. High ability English learners in the badge performance and game performance had significant difference. It could be seen that the difficulty of badges could distinguish learners with different English abilities. High ability learners also could be obtained from unexpected badge, and their speaking accuracy (all average) was significantly higher than those of low ability learners. However, no significant was found in speaking accuracy (each mission the highest average), so it can be found that there was no significant difference in the speaking accuracy with high-ability learners after learning through the system. In the correlation part, it could be seen that mission failure times were negatively correlated with learning motivation and gaming flow performance, while gaming flow performance was positively correlated with learning motivation. The results of this study can help learners with different English anxiety and prior knowledge to improve their learning outcomes. In addition, for the researcher who will provide a design framework in the future when developing a suitable digital game-based learning environment, and can develop the system according to the differences of different learners. en_US
DC.titleEffects of English Anxiety and Prior Knowledge on English Pronunciation Performance, Badge Performance, Game Performance, Learning Motivation and Gaming Flow Performance in a MMORPGen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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