博碩士論文 106554010 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChia-Ming Tsaien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract對於非英語母語的學習者而言,EFL寫作是一個巨大的挑戰,例如如何激發他們的動機來寫出更多有意義的內容,以及如何指導他們寫出更好的組織的文章。經過文獻的探討,沒有太多的研究專注於EFL寫作。特別是如何幫助小學生於真實情境中寫作,由於小學生通常僅具備基本的英語能力,英語寫作對小學生而言非常困難。因此,本研究透過一種電腦視覺的技術,即辨識影像到文字的技術(ITR),在真實情境中提供相關的單字與句型來激發小學生的寫作興趣,進而增強其英語寫作能力。此外,我們還使用了寫作鷹架來指導學生進行英語寫作。在本研究中,我們開發了一套學習系統 - Authentic EFL Writing System (AuthWrite),它透過影像到文字技術(image-to-text recognition, ITR)從影像中取得與學習者周遭環境相關的各種詞彙(名詞或形容詞)和短句(獨立的從句和簡單的句子)。重要的是,該系統也加入了學習鷹架來輔助學習,以提高學生英語寫作的品質與組織能力。在教學法方面,於真實情境中使用ITR的機制不僅讓英語寫作的學習者能更身歷其境,且系統能提供學習者與寫作主題更相關的內容。上述的組合有助於學習者更有效、更方便的練習英語寫作。 在本研究中,進行八週的實驗,共有46名小學學生參與,其中包含實驗組23名與對照組23名學生。實驗結果表明,我們的AuthWrite不僅對提高實驗組寫作的組織能力與寫作常規有顯著的影響,而且對於溝通與推理能力也有幫助。更重要的是,我們發現實驗組能寫出更好的段落,並且可以更正確的使用寫作常規。我們的AuthWrite確實可以幫助學生使用各種形容詞與優美的句型流利的進行寫作。此外,我們提出的寫作鷹架也促進了學生寫作的組織能力。因此,使用AuthWrite對於不同程度的小學生進行英語寫作學習是有用的,因為他們可以透過AuthWrite從真實情境中獲得許多與寫作主題相關的資源並有助於他們的英語寫作。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractFor EFL writing, non-native English learners have big challenges to break through like how to stimulate their motivation to write more and meaningful content and how to guide them organize their writing well. After literature review, there is not much research concentrated on this issue. Particularly for elementary school students, because they have only basic English ability, it finds EFL writing is very difficult for them. Therefore, this study proposed to employ one computer vision technology, which is image-to-text recognition, to augment English writing in authentic contexts for elementary school students by providing related vocabularies and phrases to motivate their writing interests. Furthermore, writing scaffoldings were also applied to guide them to conduct writing English. In the study, a learning system – Authentic EFL Writing (AuthWrite) is designed with image-to-text recognition (ITR) to generate various vocabularies (nouns and adjectives) and phrases (independent clauses) related to context content surrounding of the learner. Importantly, a scaffolding is also added to support learners to improve EFL learners’ writing quality and organization. In term of pedagogical aspect, the mechanism of using ITR in authentic context not only leaves EFL writers with real presence in real and right context but also provides for them with the contents related to writing topics. The above combination is helpful for learner to practice EFL writing more efficiently and conveniently. One experiment was conducted for eight weeks at an elementary school for forty-six participants, including 23 students for experimental group and 23 ones for control group. After the experiment, the result shows that our AuthWrite not only has significant influences on improving English writing of experimental group in the six criteria of qualitative aspect of an English writing including Ideas and content, Organization, Voice and tone, Word choice, Sentence fluency, and Convention but also has positive effects on several quantitative variables in post-test such as Nouns, Verbs, Prepositions, Sentence patterns, Introduction sentence, Body sentences as well. More importantly, it was found that experimental group could improve students in using various nouns, verbs, and prepositions in theirs’ paragraphs. Our AuthWrite really helps students making sentences fluently with various nouns and adjectives. Especially, the improvement of using nouns in the experimental group was statistically significant. Furthermore, our proposed scaffolding can also be applied to facilitate their EFL writing in structure of a paragraph (introduction sentence (s), body sentences), sentence patterns, verbs, and prepositions as well. However, according our statistical analysis, we found that a lot of images or many difficult English vocabularies/phrases were provided with children made them confuse and ignore to use. Therefore, a suggestion of using AuthWrite can be considered to be useful for EFL writing of elementary school students in authentic context because they can obtain lots of proper vocabularies and phrases related to writing topics from ITR in authentic contexts.en_US
DC.subjectImage-to-Text recognitionen_US
DC.subjectEFL writingen_US
DC.subjectmobile learning in authentic contextsen_US
DC.titleUsing Image-To-Text Recognition to Improve EFL Writing of Elementary School Students with Scaffolding Support in Authentic Contextsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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