博碩士論文 107121008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShih-Min Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract張舜徽,二十世紀著名的國學大師。治學領域橫跨經、史、子,集各類,學術成就非凡。在治學態度上,張氏多方採納且汲取,他汲取了前輩學者治學的種種成就與優點,更加以實踐於自身的治學、著作之中。其中,張氏更傾盡四十多年之心力,著成《說文解字約注》一書。此書融合了張氏諸多的治學面向,例如:在文字的析形釋義上,張氏藉由其深厚的文獻學底蘊,梳理《說文解字》各版本的異同,提出銳利的評價。這種對於校勘、版本的一套自身思想,從而使《約注》具有諸多歷史文獻的識見。又例如:在文字的說解方面,張氏具脈絡的梳理前人各家之說,並提出自身看法。時而對他說提出質疑、反駁、贊同,又或是補充。這種「旁徵博引,自造新注」的著書風格,亦展現出他講求「博、通」的治學主張。 這些紮實的功夫底蘊,以及嚴謹的治學態度,都促使《約注》的析形釋義有諸多獨到之處。本文藉由分析此書在析形釋義上的體例、方式、特色等,從而理解張氏的觀點與字意涵。此外,張氏相當重視於文字的語原關係,本文亦對此加以分析、著墨。對語原關係的重視,既展現出他對於文字發展的理解與關懷,且呈現出他認為形聲字「聲中有義」的觀點。透過張氏對於形聲字及省聲字的看法,或許能為歷來諸家褒貶不一的省聲字,找到一個適切的位置與評價。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractZhang Shunhui, a famous master of Sinology of 20th Century. His academic field spans Confucian classics, history, philosophy, literature, and has made extraordinary academic achievements. In his academic attitude, Zhang adopted and learned from many aspects. He learned from the achievements and advantages of previous scholars, and put it into practice in his own academic research and works. Among them, Zhang devoted more than 40 years to write Shuowen Jiezi Yue Zhu. This book integrates many aspects of Zhang′s scholarship. For example, in the analysis and interpretation of words, Zhang collates the similarities and differences of various versions of Shuowen Jiezi and puts forward sharp evaluation through his profound philological heritage. This set of self thought for collation and edition makes Yue Zhu have the knowledge of many historical documents. Another example, in the interpretation of words, Zhang collates the previous theories and put forward his own views. From time to time, he questioned, refuted, agreed, or supplemented what others said. This book writing style of extensive quoting from others, and making new notes by himself also shows his academic proposition of emphasizing "erudition and proficient". These deep-rooted culture and rigorous academic attitude promote the shape analysis and interpretation of Yue Zhu to have many originality. This paper analyzes the style, content and characteristics of this book, so as to understand Zhang′s point of view and meaning in form analysis and interpretation. In addition, Zhang attaches great importance to the original relationship of words, which is also analyzed and discussed in this paper. The emphasis on the relationship between etymology not only shows his understanding and concern for the development of characters, but also shows his view that pictophonetic have meaning in sound. Through Zhang′s views on pictophonetic and abbreviated phonetic, we may find an appropriate position and evaluation for abbreviated phonetic with different praise and criticism.en_US
DC.subjectZhang Sunhuien_US
DC.subjectShuowen Jiezi Yue Zhuen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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