博碩士論文 107121013 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorRou-Ni Chiangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract清代中期江南富庶的經濟與安定的社會環境,為各種文化活動提供充裕發展的空間,其中尤以藏書與學術最能代表乾嘉時期的文化成就。清代私人藏書的量與質向來被劃歸為藏書史的鼎盛時期,無論官府、書院、寺觀與私人藏書皆呈現空前絕後的蓬勃狀態,並在乾隆、嘉慶時期達到高峰。乾隆三十七年(1772),高宗諭令徵訪天下書籍,並開館纂修《四庫全書》,這是官方首次積極鼓勵藏書活動,此舉帶動全國性的圖書整理活動風潮,亦吸引各地學者雲集京師。同一時期,各地學者才人輩出,著手整理經史著述、前賢事蹟與詩文,編訂年譜與文集。學者也因應時代需求,將校讎、訓詁、輯佚等文獻考證方法,應用於經注考訂輯佚、天文曆算、歷史輿地等方面,延展各領域的研究範疇與深度,由是奠定清晚期的學術文化發展基礎。此時期藏書與學術文化交互作用的成果,標誌著藏書與學術發展史中的卓越成就。 在此風潮中,浙西學述文化長期被學界所忽略。其中杭州府一地綿延整個清代,出現大量的藏書家,直至今天,藏書文化仍是海寧一地的文化特色之一。乾嘉時期,海寧學者名家輩出,頗能突顯藏書與學術之間存在的正向相關性。浙江省歷來人文薈萃,具有豐厚的人文底蘊,宋代時曾發展出蓬勃的印刷產業,以精良的刊本聞名全國。海寧州緊鄰省城杭州,頗受其流風薰陶,又位處錢塘江出海口,與日本長崎港相去不遠,貿易船隻多往返其間。且海寧域內,河川交錯水路密布,具有便捷的交通系統,種種條件構成利於學術交流的場域。本文整理出活耀於這時期的海寧籍學者型藏書家,包含:查岐昌、許焞、周蓮、周春、周廣業、吳霖、吳騫、陳鱣、錢馥、陳敬璋、吳壽暘、吳壽照、管庭芬、蔣光煦、周金振、吳之淳等十數人,呈現乾嘉時期海寧學術與藏書文化之特色,因限於時間及個人才學,本文特取周春、周廣業、吳騫、陳鱣與錢馥五位學者為代表,以他們的著述與交遊情況為樣本,勾勒乾嘉時期的海寧學術樣態。 根據本文的考察,藏書與學術文化間實是一相為因果的動態循環,學者為藏書蒐訪珍秘古籍與罕傳的著作,精細的校讎勘定,形成豐富的藏書資源。整理校勘大量圖書的過程,培養出學者紮實的考證工夫與敏銳的學術調識。學者孜孜矻矻完成的著述,則以鈔本或刊本的形式,成為豐富浙江學述的一個主要內涵。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the study was to investigate the connection between book collection and academic culture. Most researches stand on huge amounts of high-quality books. Some scholars were collectors at the same time, they were available to purchase books which used in research. Meanwhile, others couldn’t afford books expense only can borrow books from their friends who were interested in a similar field of study. In the process of borrowing, they communicated their opinions as well. To introduce this phenomenon, those Haining scholars living in the Qianlong to Jiaqing period(1736-1820) might be a typical pattern.   The reasons are as follows, First, During the Qianlong to Jiaqing period, the economy became prosperous, and society was stable. Most cultures′ activities become flourishing, including books collection, textology, painting, sculpture, literature, etc. Second, Haining County belongs to Hangzhou Province, where were wealthy since the Song Dynasty (960-1279) and was famous for printing techniques. Many rivers were crossing over, so waterway transportations were vigorous in Haining. Also, Haining was located at outlets of the Qiantang River, people can easily go throw Nagasaki, which was an international port in Japan. Last but not least, a group of collectors who were born from the bookish family, like , Chá Chí-Chāng, Syǔ Chwún, Jōu Lyán, Jōu Chwūn, Jōu Gwǎng-Yè , Wú Lín, Wú Chyān, Chén Shàn, Chyán Fù, Chén Jìng-Jāng, Jōu Syūn-Màu, Jōu Syūn- Cháng, Wú Shòu-Yáng, Wú Shòu-Jàu , Gwǎn Tíng-Fēn, Jyǎng Gwāng-Syǔ, Jōu Jīn-Jèn , Wú Jr̄-Chwún, etc.They learn how to protect books from their family and share high-quality books.   The results revealed that there’s generally a strong and close connection between book collection and academic culture. In sharing book resources, scholars also spread information about their research. Then they pass those achievements to their children and students. So it will become an annulus among book collection and academic activity generation to generation.en_US
DC.titleAn Investigation of Haining academic and book collection culture during the Qianlong to Jiaqing period of the Qing dynastyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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