博碩士論文 107127009 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTzu-Kuan Chuangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文採用質性個案研究法,使用「立意取樣」選取國立大學師資培育中心的課程——「課程發展與設計」。研究將闡述師資培育中心的學生,在經歷過「課程發展與設計」的課室小組討論後,學期初至學期末學習者對於課室小組討論觀點的改變。對應到四個研究問題:一、學習者於「課程發展與設計」開始前,如何看待與形成課室小組討論觀點?二、學習者經歷一學期討論頻率高的「課程發展與設計」後,如何看待課室小組討論?三、學習者參與「課程發展與設計」的小組討論與反思活動後,學習者、授課教師與研究者分別認為研究對象對於課室小組討論的觀點產生何種變化或不變化?四、學習者、授課教師與研究者認為學習者的課室小組討論觀點,產生改變或不改變的原因為何?研究資料包括了全班的個人反思、個人教案設計、小組教案設計、田野觀察、學習者訪談(各一小組一名)、授課教師訪談。 本研究結果顯示,學習者對於討論觀點的改變因素有五點:發言的安全感、學習合作、真實的體驗、高頻率的討論、高頻率的反思。此外,研究者也會說明不如教師預期的學習者,他們分別的學習狀況及不如預期的原因。為了更深入課室小組討論的本質,為新興的討論模式定位,本研究主張:一、討論中有三種常見的類型:共同建構的討論、單方面的討論、無共識的討論。二、影響課室小組討論觀點改變的因素有學習者的個性與學習風格、學習合作、討論的學習觀點。三、討論的實踐策略包含了改變學習習慣、發言安全感、訂定討論的規則、好的討論內容、大量的課堂討論、大量的課後反思。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe researcher adopts a qualitative case study and a purposive sampling to select the curriculum of the National University Center for Teacher Education-“Curriculum Development and Design”. This study is designed to understand that students change their viewpoints of group discussion in the classroom from the start of the semester to the end of the term after experiencing the group discussion of "Curriculum Development and Design". Corresponding to four research questions: (1) Before the beginning of “Curriculum Development and Design”, how do learners perceive and form their viewpoints of group discussion in the classroom? (2) After a semester of “Curriculum Development and Design” with a high frequency of the discussion, how do learners perceive their viewpoints of group discussion in the classroom? (3) After learners participate in the group discussion and reflection activities of "Curriculum Development and Design", what changes do learners, the teacher, and researchers think of learner’s viewpoints of group discussion in the classroom? (4) What reason do learners, the teacher, and researchers believe that the views of learners’ classroom group discussions have changed or not changed? The research data include personal reflections, personal design of lesson plan, group design of lesson plan, field observation, interviews with learners (one for each group), and interviews with teachers. The results of the study show that learners have five points about the changing factors of viewpoints of group discussion: (1) the safety of speaking, (2) learning cooperation and collaboration, (3) authentic experience, (4) high-frequency discussion, and (5) high-frequency reflection. Furthermore, the researcher also illustrates the learning condition of the learner who are not as good as the teacher′s expectations and the reasons why they are not as good as expected. The research proposes: (1) There are three common types of discussion: co-construction discussion, unilateral discussion, and non-consensus discussion. (2) The factors which influence the changes in the viewpoints of group discussions in the classroom are the learners′ personality, learning style, learning collaboration, learning cooperation, and the learning perspectives of discussion. (3) The practical strategies for discussion include changing study habits, the safety of speaking, setting discussion rules, discussion content, a lot of classroom discussions, and lots of after-school reflections.en_US
DC.subjectgroup discussion in the classroomen_US
DC.subjectviewpoints of discussionen_US
DC.subjectemerging discussion modeen_US
DC.subject"Curriculum Development and Design"en_US
DC.titleViewpoints of “Group Discussion in the Classroom”: A Case Study of Teachers Education Course of “Curriculum Development and Design”en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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