博碩士論文 107155004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChen, Cheng-Yien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract1945年日本無條件投降,國共矛盾旋即浮現,雖多次談判,但始終無法達成共識,1949年國民政府最終在節節敗退的情況下,迫遷來臺;在臺之初,美國拒絕給予援助,並認為臺灣對於美國安全不具重要性,直到1950年6月韓戰爆發,美國為因應情勢,決定軍援臺灣,臺灣也重新在美國防衛計畫中具有新的戰略重要性。美援對臺的成就不勝枚舉,士官學校亦在其列,士校創立之初,曾為編制與美軍軍事顧問團多次情商,才得以美援員額成立士校基幹。 關於臺灣戰後士官教育至1957年士官學校創立前,「陸軍士官教育」之研究,可謂盡付闕如。另外,由於部隊常備士官不足,故士官學校於1965年成立常備士官班,以提高常備士官比例,常備士官班至2008年止,共計69期,其教育制度更迭,惟目前研究無論述各期常備士官班教育制度之變化。 本文欲藉相關史料及訪談紀錄,試圖建構戰後臺灣士官教育乃至士官學校創立及初期發展梗概,並梳理常士班教育制度之嬗遞,最後總結常備士官班畢業生訪談探究實際教育之成效,希冀爬梳臺灣陸軍士官學校教育之脈絡。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe KMT-CPC conflict arose immediately after the Unconditional Surrender of Japan in 1945. Though under multiple negotiations, no consensus was reached. Eventually, KMT retreated to Taiwan in 1949 because of continuous losses. In the early stage of domination in Taiwan, the U.S. regarded Taiwan as insignificant to its homeland security, therefore refused to provide aid. It was not until the outbreak of Korean War, June 1950, did the U.S. adapted to the situation and decided to provide military aid to Taiwan. Hence, Taiwan regained its strategic significance in the National Defense Strategy. Among the countless accomplishments from the United States military aid, non-commissioned officer (NCO) academy was one of them. At the beginning of its establishment, on which plentiful consultations had been held with the Military Assistance Advisory Group, members from U.S. military aid were applied to form cadres of NCO academy. Research on army NCOES, from post-war to founding of NCO academy in 1957, can hardly be found. On the other hand, with the lack of standing NCO forces, NCO academy founded standing NCO classes in 1965 to raise its portion. Education system of standing NCO classes, 69 batches in total as of 2008, has evolved. However, no research has stated evolutions of the education system on every batch of standing NCO classes. In the dissertation, related historical materials and interview minutes were used in an attempt to construct and clarify the evolution of NCOES in Taiwan. First, a brief introduction is provided, starting from post-war NCOES to founding of NCO academy and its early stage. Then, the evolution of the education system on standing NCO classes is organized. Finally, interview minutes of standing NCO class graduates are gathered to sum up and evaluate the actual effect of the education.en_US
DC.subjectOutbreak of Korean Waren_US
DC.subjectU.S. military aiden_US
DC.subjectNCO academyen_US
DC.subjectNCOES (Non-Commissioned Officer Education System)en_US
DC.titleArmy Non-Commissioned Officer Education System, take new standing NCO classes, from 1986 to 2005, for instanceen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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