博碩士論文 107322084 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTzu-Wei Jiaen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract私有運具具有高機動性與方便性,造成台灣私有運具使用比例高居不下,在有限的道路交通負荷量下,私有運具的數量日益增加除了產生交通壅塞的情況之外,汽機車廢氣排放也造成都市的空氣汙染日益嚴重,因此,為了能夠減少私有運具的使用率,政府積極推動城市交通智慧化,期能提升公共運輸的效能。其中,「交通行動服務」(Mobility as a Service, MaaS)為運輸領域的新型服務概念,其理念為透過手機App整合多元運具之服務平台,提供旅運者可一次購足的優惠型套裝旅運服務,滿足其無縫和及戶(door-to-door)的移動需求。 本研究主要探討雙北市通勤族群對於公共運輸月票結合手機App服務之偏好行為,利用敘述性偏好進行問卷設計並透過問卷調查的方式,蒐集通勤族群運具使用情形並進行相關之旅次特性分析,同時利用多項羅吉特模式以及誤差成分羅吉特模式探討私有運具使用者和大眾運具使用者運具選擇之相關影響因素。分析結果顯示,月票價格、提供手機App服務、居住地與捷運站距離、居住地與火車站距離、居住地所在縣市、工作地停車費、每月交通花費、年齡、月所得、職業、通勤時間等,皆會影響運具選擇行為。 另外,本研究亦進行彈性分析以及價格敏感度分析,以了解不同價格下各個月票方案和汽機車之市佔率比例變化,分析結果發現,對於私有運具使用者而言,增加私有運具的旅行成本相較於降低月票價格較能使私有運具使用者轉而使用月票,對於大眾運具使用者而言,則是可以降低月票價格以及搭配手機App服務來吸引其使用公共運輸月票,最後,從上述結果,本研究亦提出相關政策管理以供政府未來推行公共運輸月票和MaaS之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractDue to the high mobility and convenience of private vehicles, the proportion of Taiwan’s private vehicles is still high. Yet, the exhaust emission of private vehicles, which caused the air pollution more and more serious in the city. Futhermore, under limited road traffic load, the expansion of the population and the increasing number of private vehicles have lead to traffic congestion as well. Therefore, in order to reduce the use of private vehicles, the government actively promotes the intelligent transportation of the city and hopes to improve the efficiency of public transportation. Among them, " Mobility as a Service (MaaS)" is a new service concept of transportation. Its concept is to integrate all transportation service in a platform through a mobile App, which provides monthly ticket, route planning, online booking and payment. Makes the travel more seamless and convinence. This study aims to investigate the key factors contributing to the purchase intention of the Monthly tickets by using multinomial logit model (MNL) and error components logit model (ECL) based on a stated preference questionnaire survey. The results show that the monthly ticket price, the provision of mobile App services, the distance between the residence and the MRT station, the distance between the residence and the train station, the county and city where the residence is located, parking fee at the work place, monthly travel expense, age, monthly income, career, commuting time are the key factors affecting the purchase intention of public transportation monthly tickets. In addition, this study also conducted elasticity analysis and price sensitivity analysis to understand the changes in the market share of various monthly ticket plans and private vehicles at different prices. The analysis found that for private vehicle users, the increase in private vehicle compared with lowering the monthly ticket price, travel costs can enable private vehicle users more willing to switch to monthly tickets. For public vehicle users, it can reduce monthly ticket prices and use mobile app services to attract them to use monthly tickets. At the end, suggestions on improvements of MaaS services and monthly ticket for public transportation are proposed.en_US
DC.subjectMobility as a Service,en_US
DC.subjectMonthly ticket for public transportationen_US
DC.subjectMultinomial logit modelen_US
DC.subjectError components logit modelen_US
DC.subjectReavealed preferenceen_US
DC.subjectStated preferenceen_US
DC.title交通行動服務(MaaS)對於通勤族群運具選擇 行為之研究—以雙北地區為例zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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