博碩士論文 107352026 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorKO-YING LINen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣因地理環境特性,經常遭受颱風豪雨、地震等天然災害的衝擊,造成嚴重生命財產損失。又根據世界銀行報告指出,臺灣約有73%的人口居住在有三種以上災害可能衝擊的地區,遭受兩種災害衝擊之國土地區更高達90%以上。因此本國在防災教育納入九年一貫課綱的前提下,從小學紮根防災知能,植入基礎防災觀念,逐步宣導面臨災害之簡易求救或應變方式,以降低生命財產損失。基於前述,本研究針對桃園防災教育館在防災宣導推行、導覽員培訓及後續研究等提升需求,結合美國知名線上教育平台--Kahoot!,採準實驗設計中的同等性時間數列實驗設計,並以「報案電話」、「用火用電安全」、「一氧化碳中毒」等題材為研究主題,作為桃園防災教育館防災宣導調查工具;研究資料以SPSS軟體之描述性統計、項目分析、信度與鑑別度、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數及pearson積差相關分析,藉以瞭解桃園市國小一年級至三年級學童防災認知程度、防災認知程度與防災態度及技能表現之相互關係、學童不同背景差異對其防災素養之影響,以及探討桃園防災教育館防災宣導執行效益。 研究結果顯示,學童對於海嘯、用電安全、一氧化碳等災害認知較少,防災態度與技能則依年級不同須加強火災、海嘯、瓦斯洩漏等災害預防與應變能力,同時發現學童之防災認知程度與其災害預防及應變能力顯著相關,而背景條件差異則顯示性別在防災認知、態度與技能並無懸殊差異,是否經歷或感受過災害確實影響學童之防災素養能力;此外,須強化桃園防災教育館導覽員素養,以增進綜合導覽知能。 關鍵字:防災教育、KAHOOT、遊戲式學習zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTaiwan often suffers natural disasters such as typhoons, torrential rains, and earthquakes, causing serious loss of life and property. According to a report published by the World Bank, about 73 % of Taiwan’s population lives in areas that are likely to be impacted by more than three types of disasters, and more than 90% of the country′s land areas affected by two kinds of disasters. Under the premise that disaster prevention education is included in the Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines, the disaster prevention education program has become one of the compulsory courses for schoolchildren. It is key for primary school children to acquire disaster prevention knowledge, strengthens basic disaster prevention concepts, and then gradually promote simple rescue or response skills while they are in the face of disasters, so to reduce the loss of lives and property. For reasons outlined above, this research combined with a well-known online interactive education platform in the United States - Kahoot! to further explore disaster promotion, guide training, and future adopt the equivalent time series quasi-experiment design by using Kahoot! to research disaster prevention literacy regarding reporting cases, fire and electricity safety, carbon monoxide poisoning, and other types of disasters. The research data is analyzed by SPSS software, with descriptive statistics, item analysis, reliability and discrimination, independent sample t test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson correlation, and regression analysis. Therefore, the research can investigate the correlation between 1st to 2nd and 3rd graders concerning the awareness of disaster prevention, between disaster knowledge performance and the attitudes and skills, among the three dimensions of disaster prevention literacy differed by gender, personal disaster experience, knowledge acquired sources. This study further explore the effectiveness of disaster prevention promotion of Taoyuan Disaster Education Center. The results suggested that school children have less awareness of disasters regarding tsunamis, electricity safety, and carbon monoxide, while their attitudes and skills for disaster prevention and response capabilities must be strengthened according to their grades focused on fires, tsunamis, and gas leakage. Moreover, it is found that the level of disaster awareness is closely related to disaster prevention and response capabilities. It is personal experiences, not gender, that correlates to disaster prevention literacy. Conclusively, the findings suggest Taoyuan Disaster Education Center advance its guide literacy training to enhance comprehensive guide abilities. Keywords: Disaster Education, Kahoot, Gamification of Learningen_US
DC.subjectDisaster Educationen_US
DC.subjectGamification of Learningen_US
DC.titleResearch on Using Online Games to Investigate the efficiency of Disaster Education Promotion Regarding 1st to 3rd grade in elementary school: a case study of Taoyuan Disaster Education Centeren_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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