博碩士論文 107352027 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYa-Ling Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract臺灣位於歐亞大陸板塊及菲律賓板塊交界帶,地震發生次數頻繁, 在這些地震災害中,如高雄美濃地震、花蓮地震,皆造成多棟建物倒塌 與道路損毀,進而影響交通。隨著經濟發展,人口逐漸集中於都會區, 如新竹市因新竹科學園區的設立,創造許多工作機會,加上近年來生育 率皆為全國第一,人口蓬勃發展中,若發生上述大規模地震災害,大量 民眾需要緊急避難時,避難處所如因道路受損導致民眾無法前往,民眾 暫時將直接暴露在危險中,因此要如何判定避難處所是否能開設,成為 新竹市政府於發生地震時評估收容能量是否足夠的關鍵決策。 目前在臺灣,對於避難處所地震適宜性評估,大都使用避難處所是 否位處於地調所公布的活動斷層500 公尺內,如能有更細緻的地震評 估數據,將可協助補足避難處所地震適宜性的評估。故本研究以新竹市 為範圍,利用地震衝擊資訊平臺(TERIA),使用500 公尺*500 公尺網格 基礎資料,設定新城斷層發生規模6.8 地震為情境,運用其中的道路衝 擊評估模組及建物衝擊評估模組,整合分析因地震可能造成民眾前往 避難處所的道路受阻情況,藉此評估避難處所開設的適宜性,並以避難 人口衝擊評估模組評估收容量能量,後續提出避難處所災害防救對相 關對策及建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTaiwan is located at the subduction zone between the Eurasian plate and the Philippine Sea plate, prone to frequently having earthquakes occur. Ever destructive earthquakes such as the Mino-earthquake and the Hualienearthquake had caused collapses of buildings and interruptions to traffic. With the economic development, people are tend to seek better job opportunities and eduction in metropolitan areas. Taking Hsin-Chu city for example, the establishment of the Hsin-Chu Science Park creates many highsalary employments and attracts lots of young people to settle down nearby districts. It causes Hsin-Chu city owns the highest fertility rate in Taiwan compared with other metropolis which are suffering from aging population. However, in case of earthquakes, citizens need plans for emergency evacuation. If the designated shelters could fall short of actual demand or be unreachable reached due to damages of roads and buildings, people might be directly exposed in danger during evacutaion. Therefore, how to evaluate whether the shelters are qualified to accommodate affected citizens is an essential topic for Hsinchu City Government to take actions in advance, if a large-scale earthquake would hit in the future. In general, the appropriate location of a shelter should be the distance, usually a criteria of 500m, to active fault which is recognized by the Central Geological Survey, MOEA. In order to determine the shelter safe or not after strong ground shaking, it could still remain operational under the damage of III roads and buildings nearby. This study utilized the Taiwan Earthquake Impact Research and Information Application platform (TERIA) with a nation-wide digitized mesh at grid-size of 500m×500m to simulate and evaluate the 6.8-scale earthquake triggered by Hsin-Cheng fault. Herein, both moduls of the road impact and the building impact were applied to analyze the corresponding damages, as well as subsequent evaluation of the evacuation problems. According to the aforementioned analysis, the feasibility and capacity for installing shelters are accordingly suggested.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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