博碩士論文 107421042 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著社群平台的普及化,越來越多人透過社群平台建立關係和連繫感情。許多人也因為社群平台匯集人脈網絡,會在遭遇問題時選擇發文曝光資訊尋求協助。儘管社群求助一直是常見的互聯網現象,許多人也將其視為高效率之求助辦法,但對於個人為何會對發文求助行為產生意圖,卻少有學者探討。本質上,社群求助是個人在面臨困難時,因為感受社群的人情溫暖而選擇發文求助,並期待朋友互助的一個過程。對此,本篇論文運用社會支持理論之三大構面,於模型中建立社群之互助溫暖,亦運用個人結果預期說明求助意圖如何受個人期望影響。然而,在求助意圖產生之過程,個人把握他人協助之程度高低,或控管形象能力之高低亦可能干擾求助意圖的產生。對此,本篇論文納入自我效能和印象管理為干擾變數,完善了解社群發求助文現象之背後意圖。   本研究使用網路問卷調查方式,以台灣地區使用過Facebook平台之用戶為研究對象,共回收870份問卷,有效問卷為788份,有效問卷回收率為90%。本研究以結構方程模式進行數據分析與模型驗證,實證結果顯示訊息支持、情感支持和個人結果預期對社群求助文發佈意圖有正向顯著關係 ; 而干擾效果之影響上,印象管理和自我效能於情感支持路徑和個人結果預期路徑有顯著干擾效果。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the popularization of social media, more and more people use social media to establish relationships and connect others′ feelings. Social media connects individuals′ social networks, so that when people encounter problems, they choose to publish information to seek help.Although it has always been a common Internet phenomenon to ask for help from others, many people regard it as an efficient way to ask for help. However, few scholars have discussed why individuals have intentions to ask for help. In essence, the social media′s help-seeking phenomenon is a process in which individuals choose to post for help when they are facing difficulties, because they feel the warmth of the community, and expect friends to help each other. This paper uses the three facets of social support theory to establish the mutual warmth of the community in the model, and also uses personal outcome expectations to understand how help intent is affected by personal expectations. This paper uses the three facets of social support theory to establish the mutual warmth of the community in the model, and also uses personal outcome expectations to understand how an individual’s intent to seek help is affected by personal outcome expectations. In the process of generating help-seeking intentions, the degree to which the individual grasps the assistance of others, or the ability to control the image may also interfere with the generation of help-seeking intentions. In this regard, this paper incorporates self-efficacy and impression management as interference variables, and understands the intent of individuals to post for help on social media. In this study, we surveyed Facebook users in Taiwan through online questionnaires. A total of 870 questionnaires were collected, with 788 valid questionnaires and a valid questionnaire recovery rate of 90%.This study uses structural equation model for data analysis and model verification. The empirical results show that information support, emotional support, and personal outcome expectation are expected to have a significant relationship with the intention of individuals to post on social media for help. In terms of the impact of interference effects, impression management and self-efficacy have significant interference effects on the emotional support path and personal outcome expectation path.en_US
DC.subjectsocial support theoryen_US
DC.subjectpersonal outcome expectationsen_US
DC.subjectimpression managementen_US
DC.subjectcommunity platformsen_US
DC.subjecthelp-seeking posten_US
DC.titleWhy do individuals post on social media to ask for help from others? Take Facebook as an exampleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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