博碩士論文 107423039 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWei-Chen Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來,假新聞議題已深入生活,甚至影響到人們對於消息的判斷能力,隨著網路媒體及社群平台的興起,社群用戶可以與各自的朋友圈分享消息,逐漸擴大消息流竄的風氣;而「情緒智力」是個人判斷能力的重要影響因素之一,進而影響了驗證或分享消息的行為意圖。此外,人們對於謠言的分享行為會更加助長此傳播風氣,進而造成謠言的數量劇增,導致「資訊超載」的狀況,造成使用者對於資訊判斷能力下降,甚至產生負面情緒而影響其行為意圖。   因此,本研究以「計劃行為理論」為核心架構,探討使用者對於「驗證」與「分享」假新聞的行為意圖之影響。研究結果顯示「情緒智力」對使用者驗證假新聞的「態度」、「主觀規範」及「認知行為控制」有顯著影響;而「情緒智力」則對使用者分享假新聞的「主觀規範」有顯著影響。因此,本研究建議企業於人才選擇方面可將「情緒智力」納入人格特質的考量,衡量員工是否對於接收到假新聞或假消息時能具有判斷及辨識能力;於內部管理方面,建議應強化整個組織團隊面對假新聞時的處理方式之共識,達到他人或組織對於個人產生正面的影響,以降低員工面對假新聞的恐慌及傳播風氣,有助於管理者遏止謠言的傳播,以提升資訊的品質,藉此增加資訊判斷能力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractRecently, the issue of fake news has invaded the daily life and affected people’s ability to judge upon the receipt of new information. Along with the rise of Internet media and social media platforms, the users of social media are able to share information with their own posts, forming a new force in the field of information spreading. When receiving new information, “emotional intelligence” serves as one of the crucial factors pertaining to one’s ability to judge and is therefore impactive on people’s behavioral intention to verify or spread out the information. In addition, more access to social media leads to more spreading and more misinformation, creating a situation known as “information overload” in which people’s judging ability decreases and negative emotions get in the way to affect behavioral intentions. Centering on the “theory of planned behavioral,” this study aims to investigate the impact of “emotional intelligence” on user’s behavioral intention behind the actions of “fact-checking” and “sharing” the fake news. This study finds out that “emotional intelligence” has significant influences on users’ “attitude,” “subjective norm,” and “perceived behavioral control” during fact-checking and on users’ “subjective norm” when they decide to share the piece of misinformation. Therefore, this study proposes that enterprises incorporate the assessment of “emotional intelligence” into the personality tests during the recruitment process so that companies can deduce applicants’ ability to identify and judge upon receiving fake news. As for internal management, companies should work on building team consensus regarding the policies of handling fake news so as to generate positive impacts on the employees, minimize panic, reduce the circulation of fake news, and promote the quality of information, enhancing the overall information literacy within the workplace.en_US
DC.subjectTheory of Planned Behavioralen_US
DC.subjectFake Newsen_US
DC.subjectEmotional Intelligenceen_US
DC.subjectInformation Overloaden_US
DC.titleA Study on Users’ Behavioral Intention to Share or Fact-Check Fake News: Through the Lens of Emotional Intelligence and Information Overloaden_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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