博碩士論文 107450045 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWen-Yen Loen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究主要探討在競爭激烈的金屬製造產業中,中小企業如何運用其內部資源及核心競爭能力,並配合競爭策略的應用,尋求最有利的經營策略與未來發展機會。本研究以Brandenburger & Nalebuff(1996)提出之「競合策略」為理論基礎,選擇R個案公司作為研究對象,探討R公司在面對金屬加工產業現有的競爭情況而產生的競合動機。針對採用的競合策略進行深入探討,並了解競合過程中遭遇的問題與解決方法。 本研究採用質性研究方法,資料的來源包括: 次級資料分析(secondary data)與訪談法(interviewing)。個案R公司成立於2002年,由於成立十餘年來成長緩慢,因此開始尋求與中大型同業合作的機會,於2014年開始與S公司正式合作。R公司與S公司合作後不僅營業額快速成長,讓R公司在生產製造上更為精進,且大大提升了公司的研發與創新能力。此一合作關係看似雙贏,但對R公司而言卻隱含了一些危機。 綜合而言,R公司與S公司合作後,R公司營業額上升、生產製造能力、客製化能力與管理能力皆提升,而S公司也不用擔心管理成本以及產品品質的問題,藉此來達到雙贏的目的。然而對於R公司競合模式可能的風險包括: (1)最擔心誠信問題;(2)S公司調整管理團隊,可能造成威脅;(3)S公司可能挖走R公司的核心幹部;(4)顧客太集中,風險太大。R公司因應策略包括: (1)提升公司的競爭能力;(2)積極推動員工入股,避免人才流失;(3)積極延攬行銷業務人才,成立國際行銷團隊;(4)分散市場風險。本研究整理歸納出結論: (1)雙方的高度信任是成功的關鍵;(2)以滿足顧客需求,提供一條龍服務為主軸;(3)在企業需要快速擴張的階段,互補性的合作是最佳的模式。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study mainly discusses how small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) use their internal resources and core competitiveness and combine the application of competitive strategies to seek the most favorable business strategy as well as future development opportunities in the highly competitive metal manufacturing industry. Based on the "coopetition strategies" proposed by Brandenburger & Nalebuff (1996), this study chooses Company R as the research object to explore the company’s motivation on coopetition in the face of the existing competition in the metal processing industry. This paper makes an in-depth discussion on the coopetition strategies adopted to understand the problems encountered in the process of coopetition and the corresponding solutions. Qualitative research approaches are employed in this study. The data sources include: secondary data analysis and interviewing. Company R was founded in 2002. Due to its slow growth in the past decade, it began to seek opportunities to cooperate with SME peers and started formal cooperation with Company S in 2014. After Company R cooperated with Company S, its turnover grew rapidly. The cooperation not only made Company R more advanced in manufacturing, but also greatly improved its R & D and innovation capabilities. Such partnership seems to be a win-win situation, but it also implies crises for Company R. In summary, after Company R cooperates with Company S, Company R′s turnover has increased, and its manufacturing capacity, customization and management capabilities have all been improved; on the other hand, Company S does not need to worry about management costs and product quality, thus achieving the goal of win-win. However, the possible risks to the coopetition model for Company R include: (1) The biggest concern is integrity; (2) The adjustment of Company S′s management team may pose a threat; (3) Company S may poach the core management personnel of Company R; and (4) Overly concentrated customers is a big risk. Company R′s coping strategies include: (1) Improving company’s competitiveness; (2) Actively promoting employees to become shareholders to avoid brain drain; (3) Actively recruiting marketing talents and setting up an international marketing team; and (4) Diversifying market risks. The conclusions of this study are summarized as follows: (1) A high degree of trust between both parties is the key to success; (2) Centering around meeting customer needs and providing one-stop services; and (3) Complementary cooperation is the best model at the stage when enterprises need rapid expansion.en_US
DC.subjectIndustrial Analysisen_US
DC.subjectMetalworking Industryen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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