博碩士論文 107453012 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來,由於資訊科技的快速發展,「客戶」就是企業進化的核心,「數據」則是前進未來的地圖。許多企業在展望未來時,都把「數位轉型」做為當前最重要的工作。大多的台灣企業也認為數位轉型是未來的成功關鍵,在網路的普及和應用年代,無時無刻在線上和行動的工作形式已經成為現行大多企業的營運模式。隨著智慧型手機等行動裝置的普及,現今的工作場域已不像舊時思維,只侷限於固定型態的辦公室內,藉由網路基礎架構存取企業服務的模式,已經成為一個企業不得不面對的趨勢。 本研究透過手機APP開發技術,針對個案公司同仁在「工作面」與「生活面」之需求,開發實用又便利之D公司專屬手機APP。打造讓ERP行動化可以提供即時資訊、讓同仁無須拘泥固定工作地點,隨處皆可辦公的環境。全面協助個案公司輕鬆運用可攜式裝置進行流程的數位再造提高效率。有鑑於過去專案產品的導入都較著重於產品本身的設計,但個案公司如何成功的導入一個應用系統需要考慮的因素不僅僅是產品本身而已,他的影響因素是一個值得深入探討的研究主題。 本研究的目的主要探討個案公司在導入APP系統所遇到的困難與解決策略,並探討導入APP後所帶來的成效。基於研究背景與動機,本研究採用個案研究法,首先藉由文獻的回顧與探討,瞭解個案公司導入專屬APP後的結果,應用鑽石模型,分別從人員、技術、組織與任務等四個構面進行研究,深入瞭解個案公司在以新科技產品導入趨動數位轉型的過程中所遇到不同的問題,進一步探討分析其解決因應之道。 透過本研究的結果可以得知,比起一步到位,漸進式數位轉型更容易達到目的,因為根據鑽石模型的四個構面所導入的結果,企業數位轉型不應只有考量到技術的更新,更同時要考量到組織文化、任務及人員構面的交互影響。最後,本研究建議數位轉型應由內而外進行擴充,如改善金流系統功能需串聯外部商店的POS機,亦或是提升「客戶面」的功能規劃,才能由內而外形成新的服務模式,創造新的價值。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractDue to the rapid development of information technology, many companies aware of “digital transformation” as the immediate task, while most companies in Taiwan believe that digital transformation is the key to the success of the future. Accompanying the popularity of mobile devices, the mobile work style has become common, and the workplace is no longer limited to a specific location. In addition, using the network to access enterprise services becomes more and more popular and all enterprises need to face the trend. In this study, we employed mobile technology to develop a practical and convenient company-specific mobile application for D’s corporation according to the “work side” and “life side” requirements of colleagues. In addition, ERP mobile is used to create a mobile office environment, so that colleagues could get real-time information at anytime and anywhere. In the past, the production has been focused on how to design, but the case corporation successfully promotes an application that also considers other influencing factors and discusses the interaction is a topic worthy of in-depth research. This research is based on Leavitt(1964) diamond model to analyze D’s corporation from the task, people, technology, and structure dimensions to understand the difficulties and solution strategies that case companies encountered when adopting the mobile application, and the efficiency after the importation of this new mobile application. According to this study, we could understand that progressive digital transformation is easier to achieve than one step. While the digital transformation of an enterprise should not only consider technological updates, but also the interaction of organizational culture, tasks, and personnel aspects. Finally, this study suggests that digital transformation should be expanded from the inside to outside. And the functional side of mobile application, to improve the function of the cash flow, it is necessary to connect the POS machines of external stores and also to enhance the functionality of the “client-aspect”.en_US
DC.subjectDiamond Modelen_US
DC.subjectDigital Transformationen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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